interview #1 @Kay_mad

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1 what is your favorite holiday and why?

My favorite holiday is Christmas by far. Being around family, stuffing my face with food, getting gifts, and celebrating Jesus are all right up there as some of my favorite things. And Christmas has all of these things wrapped up into one day.

2 what inspired you to write?

The idea of being able to create something new and original—as well as a decent amount of boredom—propelled me to start writing on my own for fun. I had always enjoyed writing and have taken some creative writing courses while at college, but it wasn't until this summer that I decided to do it on my own. I had a decent amount of free time this summer and nothing to do it with, so I decided to take a stab at trying to create something different through combining my love of writing and photography to hopefully write a compelling story.

3 how would you celebrate a publishing deal?

As soon as I found out, I would likely stop whatever I was doing and dance like an uncoordinated giraffe wherever I was since I would be absolutely elated. There would also likely be some rambling, squeals, and questioning on my part of whether it was real or not. Chipotle and a vanilla cake would also be involved because they're absolutely amazing.

4 what's your favorite book?

My favorite standalone book is definitely The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak. He has such a way with words and such an inventive mind that he expresses through telling the heartwarming and heartbreaking tale of Liesel through Death's eyes. If you haven't already, I would highly recommend you give it a read!!

5 Are you still surprised when you gain a new vote, follow or comment?

Definitely! Every time I look and see that I have more reads or votes, I get so excited. It's all still so new to me so even the smallest increase makes my heart so happy. This is especially true if it's a comment since it lets me know that the reader felt like my story was worth enough of their time to write something about it—be it constructive criticism or about how much they related to or liked something I included.

6 who is your favorite celeb?

Albeit possibly unconventional, I would have to say my favorite celebrities are Rhett and Link from Good Mythical Morning. I've watched them for years on YouTube and haven't stopped being impressed by them. They're so down-to-earth and do (especially eat) the stupidest things imaginable, which often makes me uncontrollably laugh. If I ever had a bad day, I know who to turn to.

7 if you could gain advice from your favorite author, who would you choose and what would you do?

My favorite author is John Green when I think about who I'd aspire to be concerning the quality and content of the books I hope to eventually write. His ability to voice his characters' thoughts about the complexity of the world and how they feel about them is amazing; he is able to put words to things that I have felt for years but was never able to personally verbalize them. As a result, other than asking him about how AFC Wimbledon (the best third-tier English soccer team) is doing, I would ask him how to convert these feelings and revelations into words—words that make you think of things in a new, fresh, descriptive light.

8 what's your favorite thing about Wattpad?

I love the community it creates. You get to know your readers just as much as they get to know you, and if you ever need help or advice on anything, you're just a conversation away from getting it.

9 what's one Wattpad goal?

I would absolutely love if my story hit #1 either in the broad 'Romance' category my book is under or in any of the hashtags associated with my story. 

10 what's one tip you'd give a newcomer?

Don't be afraid to ask for help. Need advice on a book cover? Don't know if a comma should go there? Want help promoting? Just ask. My inbox is always open, as are many other people on here. Most of us don't bite. 

11 what's your favorite movie?

Nacho Libre is probably my favorite movie. Jack Black's over-the-top, quirky sense of humor bundled inside a wrestling monastery cook who loves wearing stretchy pants is my perfect cup of tea.

Request time!

The currently in-progress book Spiraling Butterflies follows the stories of Juniper, a withdrawn girl whose past has made her refuse to open up, and River, a just-as-antisocial guy whose past has left him scarred. When a class photography project makes Juniper she needs to make her photos more personal in order to have a chance of receiving a coveted internship position, she finds unexpected help in River. What will happen when these two imperfect, inflexible, introverted people get closer—a thing neither of them wanted or expected?

Uniquely combining pictures with words, each chapter is paired with a corresponding photograph that helps reveal the protagonist's story and her journey in telling it.

If you would like to give it a read, find it on my profile kay_mad here on Wattpad.

If you would like to give it a read, find it on my profile kay_mad here on Wattpad

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