interview #25 @AnaiseAlexander

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1 what's your schedule regarding your writing? 

I wake up at 5 am and write about 2000 words a day.

2 what's a good piece of advice for a newcomer? 

Wattpad seems overwhelming at first but stick around. When you have you have published your first chapter, don't refresh the page every five minutes (like I did ) to see if any out there will read it. Do yourself a favor and get immersed into the Wattpad community. Read other people's books and comment on their work. It's a wonderful community with fantastic people who take the time to not only read your words but help you become a better writer. If you want input or readers, be willing to do the same for other writers.

3 what's one Wattpad goal?

My current goal is to finish my book, I don't always do that. My first goal was to find like-minded people and hopefully make friends. And I did, I found awesome writers who inspire and support me to keep on writing.

 4 what's your favorite thing about Wattpad? 

The diversity of the user's, connecting with people from every nook and cranny of the world. I've spoken to people from Korea and Canada! It makes the world a tiny place, but in a good way

5 what's your favorite holiday and why? 

Halloween! Because you never know if this will be the day that the dead crawl out of their graves and walk! I'm sure the Zombie Apocalypse will start on Halloween. A day dedicated to horror and candy!

6 if you could gain advice from your favorite author, who would you choose and what would you ask? 

Stephen King, the man himself. I've had so many questions, but he answered most in his book, On Writing, so I would just sit down next to him, grab a cup of coffee and tell him in an awkward, star-struck manner: Thank you for writing and forming me into the horror freak I am.

7 what's your dream vacation? 

I love nature, except crawling things with stingers and too many legs, like spiders. My dream holiday is up in a treehouse, overlooking a watering hole as the sun rises. Watching the wild and beautiful animals of the golden Savannah risk their lives to take a drink of water. There are places in this mad and overpopulated world that are still untouched and truly savage.

8 if you could hang out with your favorite celeb for a day, who would you choose and what would you do? 

Quentin Tarantino! I would get him drunk xD and make him write me a part in one of his movies, preferably involving a Zombie Apocalypse where an adorable dolphin, named Bubbles, turns into a rabid silent terror of the seven seas.

9 Are you still surprised when you gain a new vote, follow or comment?

Yes! I'm still a vote and comment junkie. I'm more concerned about the reader's that comment only once on my book, something like: "Whaaaaat?!" (on some gory scene), and then I never hear from them again. I apologies to that reader, there are no shiny vampires hiding in my pages.

 10 what's your favorite book?

Gah, this is difficult! I can't name a horror book, because that would be unfair to them all. So, I'll go with something more comedy, The Hitch Hiker's guide to the galaxy. Okay, maybe just one horror book, The Dark Tower series, and maybe Prey from Michael Crichton. I will stop now. (Books of Blood! Clive Barker yea!)

 11 what's your favorite snack?

Biltong and droewors. But you must be South African to know what that is. It's delicious, raw meat that's marinated in herbs and spices (vinegar and brown sugar too like my grannie used to make it.) and then lovingly left to dry. Biltong is chunks of dried meat and droewors is a kind of dried sausage that snaps under eager munching teeth.

request time!
My book, The Veld – Welcome to Timbavari, deals with all the legends from South Africa. Zombies, witches and vampires from Africa :D If you're tired of reading the same vampire lore and spin on zombies and werewolf's (who find their soul-mates by simply having their eyes meet!), then give my book a read. Africa does vampire rights, enslaving them to witches and giving them power over lightening. I've done hours of research on the tales, that has been passed down from generation to generation, mostly around campfires where parents scared the crap out of their children with tantalising ghost stories. The events take place in the heart of a small town, Timbavari, where all these monsters and their not-so-innocent captives live together. I've tried to paint a true picture of South Africa and her wonderful people.

 I've tried to paint a true picture of South Africa and her wonderful people

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