interview #19 @feechi17

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1 what's your schedule regarding your writing?

I try to update once a week as I have a busy and hectic schedule in college. 

2 who is your favorite author?

On paperbacks would be J. K. Rowlings and Nora Roberts. On Wattpad would be @RosesnWater and @ChloeFairChild. 

3 what's a song you enjoy? Who is the artist?

I really enjoy 'Always be my baby' by Marian Carey. It's a really old song, butfor me it never gets old. I'm what you would call, a hopeless romantic.

4 what's a tip you'd pass to a newcomer?

If you're a writer, just know that the quality of your book does not depend on the number of reads, votes and comments your book has. It depends on the passion, energy and commitment you put into it. If you're a reader, just sit back and enjoy what this wonderful community has got to offer you.

5 what's your favorite holiday and why?

I really love the Christmas season. I absolutely love the lights, the smilingfaces, the presents and the celebrations. It's a time of showing love, and nomatter what happens we express joy. Besides, its close to a new year and whodoesn't love a new year?

6 what's your favorite thing about Wattpad?

The most favourite thing about Wattpad for me is writing. It gives me this chance to express all my thoughts and feelings into words, while giving others the chance to say their honest opinions to make me better. 

7 what's one Wattpad goal?

One of my Wattpad goals is to finish and edit one of my books, preferablyFashionista before 2019 runs out. 

8 what's your dream vacation?

I dream of visiting Greece someday, I want to learn more about the Greek gods and goddesses I have read so much about

9 if you could hang out with your favorite celeb for a day , who would you choose and what would you do?

I would hangout out with Celine Dion at the studio where does her records. Ireally live her music.

10 what's your favorite snack?

My favourite snack is chocolate. Yum !!

request time!

Do read Fashionista. If you're are not into cliche and high school drama, thenthis is your book. It focuses on the life of a girl with a dream of goingplaces. It tells her real-life struggles in an unfamiliar environment, and howshe overcomes them. It's a book filled with family, love, betrayal, sacrifice,failure and success. 


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