Interview #21 @hdglidewell

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1 What inspired you to write?

I wanted to tell a story that was similar to my late teens and early twenties, but I never found the missing link to real and fictional. Then after speaking with a friend (mostly joking) the idea for my first novel came up. We playfully joked about the characters and names. It wasn't until we decided to make her Celestial that it all started falling into place. From there Dawn was born and she's appeared in eleven books so far.

2 How would you celebrate a publishing deal?

I got lucky in September of 2017. I was approached by Inkitt after my first book was posted to their site. The initial email left me in awe. Then working with the team to have a cover created and the editing done, almost seems surreal. I remember jumping up and down a lot.

3 What's your daily writing routine?

My manuscript is always up on my computer. I seem to only close it when I'm restarting. I also carry around a composition book, you never know when you are going to have an idea. Sometimes they are good, sometimes they are just awful. I strive for a chapter a week. Which is about 500 words a day with one day off to rest. Most times I go past the goal. I can easily write two chapters in a weekend alone, depending on how the story is flowing.

4 What's your favorite book?

My favorite book is actually outside of my writing genera. Yeah I love Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romances, but the book that is always with me is The Outsides by SE Hinton. I probably checked that book out from the library three dozen times between sixth grade and senior year of high school. Even to this day I can read the novel and it doesn't seem old. I can still relate all the drama to life. So last Christmas I passed it on to my daughter, the tradition continues..

5 What's your advice for a newcomer?

Fear is the one thing that holds many people back from writing. The thoughts of "what if they don't like it" or even the thought of being crushed by rejection. So what if you think your story is cliché and the characters are based off of the people you know. The only way for any story to be told is if it is written. It's a great escape from the stresses of life. For those forty five minutes that you are at the computer you aren't worried about what's going on in your life. You get to live adventure and intrigue through the eyes of someone (or thing) that you created. Never be afraid to tell your story.

6 If you could hang out with your favorite celeb for a day, who would you choose?

While I would love to hang with many different people, I think that the most influential in what I have done (and who I would want to score my books if they are ever turned into movies) is Andy Beirsak (Black.. Sixx.. the man of many last names). Both his solo album as well as many of his Black Veil Bride albums have been use in part for my novels. Most of the songs speak to me about my main character. So, I think I would love to spend one day with him, just to tell him how much he's inspired me to write what I do.

7 Who is your favorite author outside Wattpad?

Without a doubt this is Anne Rice. I have read just about everything she has had published. My daughter is named after her child vampire in Interview With the Vampire. Some would even say I'm slightly obsessed (haha). I did get the chance to meet her several years ago and I choked. Incredibly nice woman and I was star struck. No words would come out and I'm sure my nervous smile wasn't making it any better.

8 What's your favorite holiday and why?

Growing up I always loved Halloween. It wasn't the trick or treating, or even dressing up in costume. It was what it stood for and the mysteries that surrounded it. Scary stories, the dead returning to Earth.. I have just always loved horror.

9 What's one Wattpad goal?

Really the only goal I have is to get the story out. I like feedback. You know you start out writing a story for yourself and then you change it around so that it's relatable to everyone else. I want to know that the characters are well rounded (or just a big massive cry baby). Every novel posted to Wattpad will be published in the future.

10 How would you spend a rainy day?

I live in Arizona, so we don't have many of those. The few that we have had I like to spend indoors watching a good movie with my kids. Maybe taking some time to write when they disappear into their hovels for several hours.

11 what's the best way to handle a bully?

Bullies are different these days than they were when I was growing up. Kids are also a little more sensitive. Walk away is the best advice I can give. IN situations of non-violent verbal bullying just turn around and walk away. Don't let them see that they are getting to you. In the cases of violent acts, do not think for one second you will not be heard. Tell a teacher, parent, friend's parent, police; anyone with ears. Someone cares and they will make sure you get help. Too many children are losing themselves because they believe what these other kids (people) are telling them. You have to stand up for you. You are perfect just the way you are.

Request time!

My first published novel is Inside the Fire, but my first book on Wattpad is Elle. It's the first book in the second series of the Wardens Legacy.

 It's the first book in the second series of the Wardens Legacy

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