interview #6 @ItzzAuTuMn

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1 What is the best way to spend a day?

The best way to spend a day is to just relax and do something you love.

2 What's your favorite book?

Forget Me by K.A. Harrington 

3 How would you advise a Wattpad newbie?

When you write a story, try not to do what everyone else is doing {like fanfic, etc.}, write about something meaningful to you; write from the heart.

4 What's the best advice for handling a bully?

Stand up for yourself and go get an adult. Don't take the bully's words to heart,don't cower to them; that's what they want. 

5 What's your favorite snack?

My fav snack would probably have to be a simple bag of Cheetos or cream cheese bagels 

6 If you could hang out with your favorite celeb for a day, who would you choose and what would you do?

I'd probably want to hang out with Adele. We'd do something simple like visit town,and I'd ask her what inspires her to write the songs she sings. (If that makessense )

7 What's your favorite movie?

It's in between It, Central Intelligence, and To All The Boys I Loved Before

8 What's your dream vacation?

My dream vacation would be a trip to Paris to see the Eiffel Tower, eatcroissants, and learn more about the culture there 

9 Who is your favorite author?

Myfavorite author right now would probably have to be K.A. Harrington. I justreally like how she wrote Forget Me. It felt as if I was a character in thestory experiencing everything. 

10 What is your favorite TV show?

My favorite TV Show is between The King of Queens, Last Man Standing, and Seinfeld

11 Are you still surprised when you gain a new vote, follow or comment?

Yes. When I see that people are giving my stories a chance, I'm overcome with happiness and joy. I'm very thankful for each and every one of my readers !! 

request time

Dancingin the Rain, and Love at first Sight. These aren't my books, but my friend's,@officiallyalexnicole. It would really mean a lot to her if y'all gave herstories a chance. Her writing style is getting better each day, and hercharacters are really relatable. Her stories come from a place in her heart,even if it has to do with her obsession with Finn Wolfhard

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