interview #41 @VivianBlackwood

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1. How would you celebrate a publishing deal?

 I would have a small get together with my family and closest friends where we would eat pizza, have cake, and play mini golf, bumper cars, ride in golf carts, and just be big kids for the day, haha. I think that sounds really fun, and it's basically a remake of one of my favorite birthdays as a child, hehehe. ^_^

 2. What's your favorite holiday and why? 

My favorite holiday is Christmas because as cliché as it sounds there's something about that time of year where things feel magical. People seem kinder, the smells are sweeter, there are beautiful lights everywhere, and the world in my opinion seems so warm and bright. Also some of my best memories are celebrating Christmas with my family. (Yup, I'm that annoying girl who sings Christmas songs throughout the year. XD)

 3. Who is your favorite author? 

Sara Shepard, I suppose. She inspired me to write my first book when I was 19 because I was that teen girl that was obsessed with Pretty Little Liars. Now that I'm older though, I would like to dive into some deeper books. I'm just not sure where to start. 

4. If you could hang out with your favorite celeb for a day, who would you choose and what would you do? 

Haha, honestly I don't really keep up with celebrities anymore and don't really have a favorite celeb, but I'll pick Lucy Hale just because we have a lot in common, and we could go horse back riding. 

5. What's a good piece of advice for a newcomer?

 Follow your heart. I think when it comes to most things a lot of people try to tell you how it should be done or how it shouldn't, and personally I just never paid much attention to that, and just followed my heart on what I wanted to write and just in life in general. So far it's worked out pretty well for me, at least when it comes to writing. I'm overwhelmed with how many people actually enjoy reading what I write. (^ω^)

6. What's your favorite movie? 

This is probably kind of embarrassing, but it would have to be The Little Mermaid, haha. It's always been my favorite movie. Ariel and I are a lot alike because between us... I'm really a mermaid ;) 

7. What's one Wattpad goal?

 I haven't really thought about Wattpad goals to be honest. I didn't ever expect my wattpad account to even become what it is now, but it would be cool to reach 1,000 votes on my book. I'm just waiting to see where things go. :) 

8. What's your dream vacation? 

Oooh, I think just having a year off to do nothing, but wanderlust, and try new things would be a dream vacation for me. Can I please just do that? (♥ω♥*) However if it had to be something a little bit shorter then a trip to Hawaii for a month would be amazing. 

9. Are you still surprised when you gain a new vote, follow or comment?

 Definitely, yeah. When I first started writing my book The Girl with a Pen it was just for me to pour out my feelings into with the hope that somewhere someone could relate, and not feel so alone if they were dealing with the same things I was. And just seeing people's responses to it is just incredible. I'm so grateful for each vote, follow, comment, and read. (Shout out to my silent readers!) (•ᴗ•)❤ 

10. What's your schedule regarding your writing?

 I don't have one and I never did. I just write whenever I'm inspired. Sometimes it comes in waves, but other times it can be hard to write something, and I guess you learn a little patience.

 11. What's a song you enjoy? Who is the artist? 

Hmm, this is a hard one, but I'm going to say "Scars to your Beautiful" by Alessia Cara because that song has definitely helped me through some hard days in my life, especially on days when I struggle to even like myself.

request time!

Right now I only have the one book, The Girl with a Pen, and the reason to consider reading it is because I don't think I hold anything back in it. I'm completely transparent with my feelings and maybe just maybe what I wrote can help someone in some way.

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