interview #20 @cheesecake1016935

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1 what is your favorite thing about Wattpad?

 I love the way users interact with each other and create friends through thisplatform whilst reading books which are amazing!

2 what is your favorite holiday and why?

I love the summer holidays because it's the longest and I get to sleep in mostdays.

3 how would you spend a rainy day?

I'd spend my rainy days in either reading wattpad or watching a cooking show with amug of hot chocolate.

4 if you could hang out with your favorite celeb for a day, who would you choose and what would you do?

I'd want to hang out with the members of the vamps. We'd probably go watch a moviethen hang around their studio. 

5 Are you still surprised when you gain a new vote, follow or comment?

I am still very surprised when I gain new followers votes or comments and I liketo thank them readers for it.

6 what's your schedule regarding your writing?

Currently I update every time I finish a chapter. I'm making up an update schedule, but school seems to get in the way sometimes. So, whenever I finish writing a chapter I publish it.

7 what's your favorite book?

My favorite book outside of wattpad is the murder notebooks by Anne Cassidy and myfavorite book on wattpad is Luciano.

8 what's your advice for a newcomer?

Don't worry about your reader or vote count. Just keep writing what you love rememberto follow people and be active on your message boards.

9 who is your favorite author?

Anne Cassidy she writes amazing books!

I would like people to check out my new book Beauty In Bad. It's my second book and since April(when I published my first book) my writing quality has improved, and I've aimed this book to be funnier. Which it's turned out to be. It's so much better than my first book and I have planned out every single chapter. So surprised will be present.

Meet the authors Edition #3  (Dec 2018 To April 2019)Where stories live. Discover now