interview #40 @eliyeda

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1 what's the best way to spend a rainy day?

In bed with hot chocolate, and hubby either reading a great book, or watching Lords of the Rings.

2 What inspired you to write?

I have too many stories in my head. Most of them incomplete, or just one shots, but I'm always daydreaming and thinking about characters. Hope that answers the  question.

3 What's one Wattpad goal?

Write an engaging book where people can be inspired by their characters.

4 How would you celebrate a publishing deal?

Probably drinking wine and eating chips with my husband at home.

5 What's your favorite movie?

Oh gosh there are so many! But I guess I will go with the last  one I saw that really loved, The Hate U Give.

6 What's your dream vacation?

Travel Europe, but especially these countries: Switzerland,  Germany, Spain, Portugal, and Scotland.

7 What's your favorite thing about Wattpad?

You get to meet some amazing writers who are willing to befriend you and help you with your writing.

8 How would you advise a wattpad newbie?

Read every book you can find on how to use wattpad and how to be a successful publisher. They have some pretty great  advice and resources.

9 What's your favorite book?

A Wrinkle in Time

10 Who is your favorite author?

Madeleine L'Engle

11 If you could spend the day with your favorite celeb, who would you choose and what would you do?

I don't think I've had a favorite celeb since high school, but if  I had one, I'd probably would like to go do something fun like  bowling or going to the amusement park. Just have fun and  see their normal self.

Request time!

I just started my first book called Loving Ivy's Colorful Mind. I believe the book has a unique main character who is autistic. We get to see her struggle with her disorder and life in general, but at the same time we get to see how love helps her overcome obstacles and discover herself.

 We get to see her struggle with her disorder and life in general, but at the same time we get to see how love helps her overcome obstacles and discover herself

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