interview #6 @Midnight_Phantom18

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1 what's your favorite book?

My favorite books are . . .well I have lots, but the main ones are "The MazeRunner" trilogy by James Dashner, "The Selection" series byKierra Cass, "Divergent" series by Veronica Roth, and "TheTreachery of Beautiful Things" by Ruth Frances Long. Those ones are thebest and have changed my perspective in things ❤❤

2 how would you spend a rainy day?

I would read books, binge-watch Netflix, listen to music, stare at the rain .. .I LOVE rain. . Where I live, I don't get lots which pretty much sucks. . .Ihave tried going outside on rainy days, but I get in trouble and I'm forcedinside the house. :'( 

3 what's a good piece of advice for a newcomer?

Don't worry about number of votes or reads. . .what matters most is your writing.Your writing matters, because every good story is written well. (I'm nottalking about having no mistakes errors, but it's good to check for those whenwriting) Also, never give up. Even ifyou don't have lots of votes or reads, continue writing. Don't give up on yourwriting, you'll get matter at it.

4 if you could hang out with your favorite celeb for a day, who would you choose and what would you do?

It would be Theo James from the "Divergent" actor "Four". Iwouldn't know what to do so I'll let him chose.

5 what's your schedule regarding your writing?

I don't really have a schedule. . I'm working on it though. I want to post achapter each week. But sometimes I'm super busy with school and I don't end upwriting.

6 what's your favorite part of Wattpad?

I get to know lots of AMAZING people out there who are so kind and so friendlytowards me. I just love them so much and they support me a lot in my writing.

7 what's your dream vacation?

I'd LOVE to go to Alaska ❤❤ I LOVE the cold and snow and where I live it'sthe complete opposite.

8 what's your favorite song? Who is the artist?

I have lots. I can't come up with any. .I think it's called "For Love"fifty shades freed . . .I think, I'll have to check later.

9 what's your favorite holiday and why?

Thanksgiving,I love the food!!! And pumpkin pie is my fav!!! Christmas, I absolutely lovegetting presents and having a Christmas tree and Christmas songs and drinkinghot chocolate.. . .

Valentines❤❤❤ I LOVE hearts and saying the word LOVE. . .Actually, I'm obsessed with hearts sinceI was a baby-literally. And I love getting chocolates and stuff-animals. Evenif I'm alone and HAVE no boyfriend, it doesn't matter to me, I'll just buycandy and sweets and watch a movie.

10 what's your favorite snack?

Hot Cheetos, or any good tasty chips, gold fishes, Oreo cookies

11 what's your favorite movie?

All the books I've read turned into movie. . .Even though the book was way, way better than the movie.

Request time!



They say the eyes are the windows to the soul

That saying can never be truer

My name is Emerald Green

I am a siren

Daughter of the God Achelous

I was cursed with the most enchanting voice

I was born to lure men to their deaths

But this day was different . . .

I saw a man - a human with sapphire eyes

My whole existence everything I am

Spins out of control

Should I lure him to his death or should I save him?

I can only choose one

What should it be?


"I will stop at nothing to find true love . . .even if it means I have to lose myself in the process . . ." -Emerald Green

My story is about Emerald and how she struggles with not falling in desires and she has mental battles of not giving in to who she is. She is this deadly intoxicated beauty that is programmed in her DNA to hunt and be a killer and she struggles to fight this curse. This curse that binds her and she wants to be set free . . .but at the same time she doesn't want to. How can you fight who you are?

 How can you fight who you are?

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