Kolivan x reader - World of spies part 1

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Requested by: DireRedemption

Rare species that can procreate with any species and was a rescued prisoner from the Galra

"Hi, I'm Matt" You looked up to see an alien species that you had never seen or heard about.

"I'm (y/n), you speak basic," You said.

"Basic? You mean the Star Wars term for English?" Matt asked. You blinked at him. What could you say?

"Uh... No?" You replied.

"Oh, I'm guessing since we've never had alien contact on Earth you would have no idea what Star Wars is" Matt laughed. Suddenly the cell door burst open. There was chaos on the other side with Galran soldiers being shot down and figures with coverings on their faces rushing inside.

"We're here to rescue you, come on!" One of them replied. At the mention of rescue, you lept on your feet and hurried outside with the rest of the prisoners. A band of rebels had come onto the ship and apparently planning to take over the ship. You rushed toward one the rebels saying that you knew about the ship's schematics and how to take control of the bridge. When the rebel heard what you said he began to talk with the others over the radio and led you to where the rest of the group was.

When you ran toward the bridge you suddenly started to hear a commotion near the bridge. You opened the door to see a Galra with a foreign blade attacking one of his own. You were puzzled by this and rushed toward the Galra who was fighting one of the blades, but by the time you reached him he had already dealt with his opponent.

"You shouldn't have come here with such a small group," the Galra said. You didn't answer. There was something weird about him aside from the fact that he attacked one of his own. Was he... A defector? No... He had a weird sword... Was he a rebel?

"Are you with them?" You asked, pointing toward the one behind you. The Galra suddenly stood on his guard and glared at the exit. You turned around and saw the rebel suddenly captured by a group of guards. You were frozen still, but the Galra charged toward the soldiers and cut them down one by one in quick and swift movements. You watched in awe at how graceful he was with such a weapon, it was like an extension of himself.

While he was fighting you suddenly remembered that you were on the bridge and started to deactivate all cameras that were sending a constant feed to the main fleet. You suddenly realised that once they saw that the cameras were down, ships were going to come soon.

"We have to hurry! Galran ships are going to be here soon!" You shouted. The rebel gasped and fumbled in his pockets for a hard drive.

"I already have all the ship's files with me. Do you have ships that we can use to escape?" The Galran asked.

"No, we don't have enough room for a Galran" the rebel spat. You swerved around when you heard the rebel say that.

"If you're a rebel fighting to free people and suddenly refuse someone who is trying to escape the Galran Empire then you're no better than the people you are fighting against!" You snapped. The rebel hissed at your comment and shot the last soldier dead.

"Fine, you can come with us," the rebel said.

"No, it is all right. I can take one of the fighters and escape to the nearest planet" the Galran replied.

"No! You have to come with us!" You exclaimed.

"There is no time to argue! I will escape on my own since your people are not willing to accept me on one of your ships. Take the woman with you when you leave" the Galran said. You ran toward the Galran defector, but he took off and disappeared into the ship.

VLD Oneshots (Character x reader) ~ REQUESTS ARE CLOSED :'(Where stories live. Discover now