Pidge and reader - Secrets

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"Are you ready?" Pidge smirked.

"I was born ready!" You replied, whispering your reply. You two crept out of Pidge's room, ready with all the gear you needed.

"Operation warzone is commencing" Pidge commented. She checked her earcomm with you, "Is it working?" She asked.

"Working," You replied.

"Good, I'll get Hunk and Lance. You go get Shiro and Keith" Pidge organised.

"Got it," You nodded, running off to the left while Pidge ran to the right. You prepped your gear as you neared Shiro's room. A few well-hidden gadgets lingered around your arms and face. Since both of you had glasses, Pidge decided to have video cameras to record everything you see. Another gadget was the microphone to capture every sound made within a twenty metres radius.

You knocked on his door and waited. The sound of silence couldn't be more irritating. You knocked on his door again and waited. The sounds of your tapping foot echoed down the empty hallway. "Where is he?" You asked aloud. You pressed a button on the side of the door and stepped in. "Huh?" You exclaimed. "Where's Shiro?" You wondered.


Pidge was already on her way to Hunk's room. Although he was the kindest and cutest guy in the castle, there had to be some beef on the guy. Any speckle of dirt would be enough to get that guy in edge. Pidge grinned an evil smirk as she approached an interesting sound.

It sounded like some hard metal music. Pidge curiously peeked into the room. Hunk's room was empty. She perked her ears and followed the strange sound in the distance. She peered sideways into the ballroom and saw something big. Hunk was doing hip hop in the ballroom. He was full on break dancing, moving to the beat like he was in sync with the music. What was funnier was that Hunk's attire was changed to a more rebel style. His face was flushed with utter seriousness, nothing was going to ruin the concentration on this guy...

"Aha! I got you!" Pidge cried, jumping into the room. Hunk cried like a woman, jumping and waving his hands up and down like a penguin with short wings. Pidge whooped with laughter and fell on the floor crying. "This. Was. The. Best. Idea. EVER!" She cried.

"Pidge," Hunk whined. "Can you not tell anyone?" Hunk begged.

"It's alright Hunk, your secret is safe with me" She smiled.


The second you saw Shiro's empty room, you gave up and walked over to Keith's room. After a few seconds of planning, you decided to walk into his room without question to make sure you would catch him in the act. Slowly, you tiptoed to Keith's room. You were met with silence, but Keith did things in silence.

You carefully pushed the button and the doors slid open. You almost screamed and died when you saw Keith. Before you could say anything, you fainted. Keith was left standing there, dumbfounded.


Pidge, still laughing from her discovery, casually strolled over to Lance's room. Pidge had a good feeling. After what she discovered, there wasn't much that could top what she saw. As usual, Lance's room was open. Pidge strolled in and realised that no sound, expect for two, were emanating from the bathroom. Pidge grinned and walked close to the bathroom door.

For her sanity, she didn't open the door, but she couldn't help, but giggle at what she was hearing. The running water sprayed its familiar echo, but what powered over that sound was the sound of Lance singing, "I whip my hair back and forth, I whip my hair back and forth. Oo oooo!"

Pidge bit her lip and clamped her mouth. Her stomach and head were exploding with overwhelming ridicule, but the urge to stay and record this willed her to stay longer. 'This is so good! This is so good!' She repeated to herself.

VLD Oneshots (Character x reader) ~ REQUESTS ARE CLOSED :'(Where stories live. Discover now