Keith x Violet and Lance x Ophelia - The USB part 2

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"Hey, I need a pick up" Violet said, rushing out of the prison. Violet had secretly stolen a guard's radio. She changed the frequency to reach her friend Ophelia.

"Violet?!" Ophelia exclaimed.

"Shush! Did you watch me put the USB in the guard's pocket?" Violet demanded.

"Uh yeah, but let me tell you. It's hard to watch you move with a smoke bomb in the way" Ophelia noted.

"Yeah, yeah, but where is the guard?" Violet demanded.

"I've got it" Ophelia said.

"What?!" Violet exclaimed.

"I. Have. The. USB" Ophelia said.

"Oh great, what do you need now?" Violet asked. Ophelia wasn't always the most generous person, I mean, what you live in a place like this, you have to pull the strings in order to have a good day.

"To help them!" Ophelia answered.

"Help who?! When were you so compassionate to people?" Violet shouted.

"Do you know who you just left behind?!" Ophelia retorted. "You just left the Paladins of Voltron in that cell. You have to get them back."

Violet looked over her shoulder. She stood 200m away from the hole of her cell. Within the five minutes of her conversation with Ophelia, no one had come out of the cell. "Okay, I'll fetch them" Violet said.

"Rescue them" Ophelia corrected.

"Okay, fine" Violet scoffed, lowering her comm. She walked over to the hole and knelt down. But as she came down, Keith had made it out. Their heads collided with one another. "Ouch!" Violet growled. Violet stumbled back as Keith jumped out. "That. Hurt" Violet barked.

"Not sorry" Keith muttered, climbing out of the hole. Violet growled at him as he and Lance clambered out. Followed by Hunk, who was being helped my Shiro from behind and lucky last Pidge.

"Looks like you don't need rescuing" Violet commented, standing up.

"Like you were going to rescue you as anyway" Keith retorted.

"Hey! At least I came back hot head" Violet snapped.

"Okay, okay, calm down you two. We already know that you like each other. Don't need to make that even more obvious" Lance grinned, draping his arms on Keith and Violet, bringing them closer together. Keith and Violet both shoved him off, pushing him to the ground. "They like each other!" Lance grunted.

Violet was about to attack him, but a sharp pain in her ear stopped her. "What?!" Violet barked, speaking into her comm.

"Sit tight Vi, I'm coming towards you. Make sure nothing happens to the Paladins" Ophelia ordered.

"Yes boss" Violet muttered.

"Who was that?" Shiro asked.

Violet glared at him, unwilling to talk, but answered, "That was my friend."

"What did she want?" Shiro asked.

"She wanted us to sit tight until she comes" Violet answered.

"How long is she going to be?" Shiro asked.

"Last I checked, she was in one of the buildings. She could be anywhere by-" "Here I am!" Violet swerved around and saw Ophelia striding up to them. Her brown hair, swaying behind her in a pony tail. Her entire attire would have been red if it weren't for her white designs on her hoodie and sneakers. And let's not forget her jeans, torn and dirty.

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