Lance x reader - The one left out part 2

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Shout-out to Tootsypop21 and look_out_reality! They were the first two people who helped out with my little dilemma so thank you so much you guys!!!

...Present day...

You relaxed on your bed, looking up at the ceiling. The ceiling wasn't white. In fact, it was wooden. Why? Because you were on earth! You lay on your bed wondering something... Today Lance, along with two others from the garrison were reported missing.

You thought back to the time when you went to school together. He would always try to have fun with you, play around or even come to your house. It was fun, childhood was great because Lance was around. You were always alone at home and having someone your age making you happy was the best thing you could ever ask for.

"Th-that tree looks..." You stammered.

"Oh come on!" Lance whined, offering his hand urgently to you. You looked at his hand and hesitated. You glanced at the tree, then at Lance. Weeks after your encounter with Lance, you two had become the best of friends and now this was your chance to put that friendship to the test.

"Okay," You smiled, putting your trust into Lance's hand.

Lance laughed and guided you up to the highest branch possible. In your huge jungle backyard that was littered with fruit trees, a single sycamore tree stood proudly at the back sprouting its branches everywhere. It soared into the air lifting its arms, reaching for the sky.

You and Lance climbed and climbed until your heads peeked up from the leaves below you. "Lance this is really high!" You cowered.

"Oh don't be such a baby!" Lance teased.

"I am not a baby!" You pouted.

"You are if you are afraid of heights when you tackle boys down every day at school" Lance smirked.

You frowned at his witty response and sighed, "I hate it when you're right."

"Oh, don't be mad, I don't like it when you're angry" Lance frowned sadly.

You looked at Lance in the eye and lifted a brow at him, a little upset at your ego being ruined. "I don't like it when you tease me," You said.

"I'm sorry," Lance apologised. You turned your head away, being the sore loser and hot head you were. "Can you forgive me?" Lance asked.

You cringed your face at that phrase and brought yourself back to the real world. You quickly sat on your bed, dangling your legs over the side. With a sigh, you buried your face in your hands, resting your elbows on your knees. You tried to sob, but it was no use.

You had a bad past. When Lance was around it pushed all those memories away. And... When Lance moved away with his family. It was the saddest thing ever. That day you felt your entire heart being ripped out, half of it being carried away with Lance. You cried yourself to sleep and became a social outcast in high school. Not because you were hated or anything, but because you never talked to anyone, and in turn, no one talked to you.

You tried to cry at the thought of your misery, but found that your well had run dry; there were no more tears to cry.

Lance's POV

I was separated from my team. But every night when things were lost, I thought back to the days when I had a friend that never left my side. She was the best thing that ever happened to me. At school, no one liked me. Which was a weird thing because everyone loves me today (aha...), but (y/n)... Yeah, she was the brightest star.

Cheesy, I know, but really. She was my best friend at school. Whenever I was down, she would always cheer me up. And right now, I would give anything to be with her right now. I closed my eyes, resting in the pilot's seat to a memory.

"It's raining!" I shouted. I ran out the door, pulling (y/n) who was fifteen at the time. Our family was moving today and this was the last time I was going to see (y/n). "Lance I'm wet!" (y/n) complained.

"Come on (y/n)! It's just water, here, let me indulge you in the situation" I smirked. I lifted (y/n), carrying her by the waist further into my backyard.

"AH!" (y/n) screamed. "LANCE MCLAIN! PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTANT!" (y/n) shouted at the top of her lungs. 'Thank goodness this shower is blocking out most of the sound! Otherwise, my ears would have exploded!' I thought.

"Okay, I'll put you down" I smirked, carrying her over to the pool.

"Oh no, Lance!" (y/n), gasped, holding onto my hands.

"Down you go" I laughed, dropping her into the pool.

"You're coming with me!" (y/n) blurted out, pulling me in with her.

"Whoa!" I exclaimed, falling headfirst into the pool. I was already wet so I didn't mind, but man! That chlorine stung my eyes so bad!

"Ha!" (y/n) laughed. I resurfaced and titled my head.

"Okay (y/n), you win" I smiled.

"You bet I did" (y/n) grinned.

"What are you two doing in the pool??" Mum exclaimed, wearing her raincoat and holding the umbrella above her.

"Oh! Water fight" I lied.

"Well, you better get changed and get (y/n) home otherwise her parents might get worried," Mum said.

"Actually Mrs Mclain, my parents really don't care where I am and I'm okay being wet" (y/n) smiled.

Mum simply smiled, "I'm glad Lance found you."

Later on, (y/n) and I got inside to shower and change. Thankfully, (y/n) had brought a spare change of clothes, guess she was a well-prepared person, just like mum. "Hey, Lance! You out yet?" (y/n) asked, knocking on the bathroom door.

"Yep!" I answered, opening the door. (y/n) was beautiful. I never noticed her beauty when I was little. I knew that she was pretty and all, but she was stunning, especially now.

"Lance?" (y/n) called, waving her hand in front of my eyes. I couldn't help it. I grabbed her neck and pulled her into a kiss. I admit, it was a little rough and out of the blue, but then... She kissed back. It was the most amazing feeling to be able to kiss her. Right now I would do anything to have her back and kiss her again.

AH! I stopped halfway! Sorry guys, but I have to go to bed now, but this sudden halt was intensional. I am happy to tell you that there is a part 3 coming soon, but I want to ask you guys on how you want this to end! Do you want a destined reunion that could interfere with season 2's story line or... Have them stay apart? ... Your choice! Person who has the best ending or which ever has more votes wins!

Cheerio! <3

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