Keith x Violet and Lance x Ophelia - The USB part 3

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The Chief proudly sat on his throne as he munched disrespectfully on some tropical fruits. Allura, struggling from being temperamental, slowly inched away. "Oh! Where are you going my sweet? Care for a Junjoh fruit?" The Chief smiled as fruit juice dripped from his mouth.

"Um... No thank you, I ate before coming here" Allura's face twisted at the disgusting sight and leant back.

"But it has been an hour since you arrived at my palace. Perhaps some entertainment? I have the best jesters in the province! Maybe that will help?" He offered.

"Uh no-" "The jesters as you requested, your majesty" A small figure, bounding like a kangaroo, approached the king. Four of the king's guard leapt forward with their pikes towards him.

"Stop! He's one of the jesters! Can't you see the orange and purple colours on his ridiculous costume? Quite amusing if I do say so myself. Uh, what is your name my good fellow and where are your companions? I swear I asked four jesters to arrive" The Chief titled his head in suspicion.

The small figure trembled and answered, "They are on their way, your majesty! It's all part of the act if you wait patiently they will come." Allura spied a thread of golden hair that stuck out from the skin tight uniform. She gasped and quickly adjusted herself.

"What appears to be the matter my darling?" The Chief asked.

"Oh nothing, I just thought I saw a rat" Allura answered.

"A RAT?!??!" The Chief screamed. He yelped and shot up to the tip of his throne and shrieked. "Somebody kill the rat!!!"

"Sire, there is no rat" One of the guards muttered.

"What was that?!" Chief questioned.

"Uh, nothing" The guard stammered.

"A rat, a rat, who stole the king's hat. The very thing that makes be spring, oh look! I pulled my hamstring!" The little figure began to jump and sing in front of the throne, bounding around effortlessly. The Chief began to calm down and sank back into his chair as he stared at the jester, cracked smiles and sniggers erupting from his mouth.

"Clang, clang, there he goes! Bang! Oh dear, oh my! Look at that sky! Zing! Zong! Hear my good song and bounce with me king, it's your turn to SSIIIINNNGGG!" Pidge soared her voice well beyond the range of a soprano. The Chief closed his eyes and blocked his ears as well as the guards as Lance dived in and grabbed Allura.

"I've got Allura!" Lance exclaimed.

"Lance you idiot! I could have heard your scream from outside the castle! Now everyone knows that we're here!" Violet hissed.

"Ow!" Chief whimpered.

"Great snakes! Are you alright my dear king?" Pidge bounced to the chief and looked at him with concerned eyes.

"Yes, yes. Oh! Where is my bride?!" The Chief exclaimed.

"Your bride?!" Pidge screeched.

"Ow! I have sensitive ears you know. Guards! Search the castle and look for my bride-to-be! If anyone lets her escape, then I will have your head!" The chief roared. The guards nodded and ran off, their pikes ready to skewer anyone that tried to get in their way. Pidge gulped as she saw them ran at lightening speed.

"Perhaps I should take my leave dear king?" Pidge asked.

"No, no, stay here. I would like to have at least some source of joy while this chaos surrounds me. Uh, where did you say your companions were?" The chief asked. Pidge widened her eyes and stammered.

"Uh, they should be here. Maybe I should go and check if they have arrived? Last I saw, they were stopped at the gate. I was the first part of the act, so I was permitting to pass but my companions were stopped by some dreadful guards!" Pidge dramatically pressed her backhand on her forehead and stood on the tips of her toes.

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