Pidge and reader (Reader x Hunk) - Talking to boys 101

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Requested by: RileyAbigailKeystone

"Is this really necessary?" You asked.

"Positive," Pidge grinned.

"You just love pushing me around, making me do things you know I'm not comfortable with" You sighed.

"You got that right! Now go!" Pidge urged, shoving you hard. You stumbled forward and shaded a look towards Pidge. "Go," Pidge shooed. You gulped and nervously walked forward. Hunk was in the lounge room, eating as always. You had brought a book to pass the time. No words were exchanged, just silent actions that went ignored by the other.

'This is not going to work, this is not going to work!' You panicked. You drained all your energy to focus on your book. Your hands were drenched with sweat and hot and cold chills swept up and down your back. It didn't take an expert to figure out how nervous you were. You eyed the door and saw Pidge jutting her head in Hunk's direction. Your fingers gripped the side of your book.

"Uh Hunk, how's your day been?" You asked. A slight smack echoed down the hallway.

"Not bad (y/n), it's been pretty average for me. The Lions are all good and Coran says that the castle is running really well. There's nothing for me to fix that Pidge hasn't already touched so I'm just cooking and eating" Hunk smiled. "What about you?" He asked.

You tensed at his question, suddenly everything you did was swept away from your mind. "Uh... What did I do today?" You murmured.

"Mental blank?" Hunk chuckled.

"Yeah," You nervously laughed. "I... Well, I woke up, had breakfast, talked to Pidge for a bit and now I'm here with y-my book" You answered.

"That's cool, I don't know. I think I got up around two hours ago and headed straight for the kitchen" Hunk laughed.

"You've been sleeping for thirteen hours?!" You exclaimed.

"It's been that long?" Hunk asked. He stoped for a second and muttered to himself. "Hey that is thirteen hours, that was some good calculation" Hunk smiled. His smile made your face burn and stomach flutter.

"Uh thanks" You grinned. You bit your lip and looked around the room. What were you supposed to do?! He wasn't talking and you didn't want to seem like you were begging for a conversation so...

"I've had it!!" Pidge screamed. She stormed into the room and stomped towards Hunk. "Do you like her or not?!" She demanded. Pidge pointed to you and pierced her dagger eyes into Hunk's brain.

"Deh uh erm...." Hunk stammered. You face palmed and groaned in embarrassment.

"Pidge just leave Hunk alone, that wasn't really nice and I think we should just stop this is stupid" You said.

"What?!" Pidge shrieked.

"Yeah, let's just leave him alone" You said. Pidge tried to convince you to stay, but a single pull of the collar dragged her out of the room. "This isn't going to work" You sighed, dumping Pidge onto her bed.

"This isn't going to work because you're not putting enough effort into this!" Pidge protested.

"But the girl isn't supposed to go after the guy!" You argued, "Going after some guy who might even like you isn't is a waste of time and your dignity. I'm done! If Hunk isn't the right one of me then I'm going to let it go and just wait for the right one."

Pidge looked at you and shrugged her shoulders. "Can't argue with that then" She smiled. You took a seat next to Pidge and lay down with her. "So... What now then?" Pidge asked.

"Now, we save the universe" You grinned. A soft knock on the door flicked both yours and Pidge's head to the door. "Who is it?" You called out.

"Uh it's me" Hunk answered. You frowned and got up to get the door. Hunk stood in the doorway with your book in hand. "You left this and I thought that you might to have it back" Hunk smiled.

"Uh thanks" You said, receiving the book gently.

"Look, thanks for keeping Pidge off of me, that was really considerate of you" Hunk said.

"Oh, thanks" You replied.

"I know that you liked me a lot and being able to say no and stop was really brave of you so thank you" Hunk said.

"You're welcome Hunk" You said. "Well, I hope you have a good day" You said, closing the door on Hunk.

"What was that for?!" Pidge exclaimed.

"If he wants to get me, he's going to have to come after me" You smirked.

Hey guys! I just want to say for any of the girls out there, who are looking for a man, that the best way to look for a partner is to wait. I've been saying this a lot, but just to change things up, I'll just say something for the guys.

What I have noticed is that some guys, at least in my group of friends, aren't used to being leaders. In my family, we're taught to wait for guys that are ready to hold themselves and their partner with dignity and proper moral values. The best way to win a girl's heart is through genuine affection that isn't for her body, but for who she is because when you decide to get on your knee and show your ring you're asking for her to marry you and when you do, you are marrying her mistakes, her failures and her faults. This one event in your life is the biggest you're ever going to make and I believe that you guys should also wait for the right girl and not trying to you know, ask every girl out on a date because that it just selling yourself short.

So to all the guys out there, waiting is not just for the girls, it's also for the guys. Just wait and keep your eyes peeled for the right girl who is perfect in character and will respect you as a man, friend and possibly husband. Hope you guys and girls alike have a great day! Cheerio! <3

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