Lance x reader - Homesick part 2

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Requested by @Redneyistheshiz

Honestly, you didn't know where to run. Lance had his bedroom, Pidge had the lab, Hunk owned the kitchen, Allura had the bridge, Shiro was... Somewhere and Keith literally lived in the training deck. The only other place you could think to go was either the bays or the living room... You really didn't have much of a choice, but the bays were a bit more attracting seeing as it was a bit more confined and less public.

Lance found it hard to find you. Everyone had their own talents. Keith was a great fighter, Shiro and Allura were great leaders, Coran was a faithful servant, Pidge was a computer genius, Hunk was the best eater and cook, but you had the great ability of hiding. No, I'm serious about this. On missions, no one was able to pinpoint you because you were so hard to track. And when you were out in the open it was hard to even touch you because of your agility.

"(y/n)?" Lance called out, running along all the hallways. "(y/n)!" Lance shouted, only hearing the echo of his voice every time he called out.

"Keith have you seen (y/n)?" Lance asked, poking his head in the training.

"Does it look like I've seen (y/n)?" Keith grunted, quickly dodging the guardian's parries and swipes.

"Oh ok that's cool" Lance quickly replied.

"Pidge you seen (y/n) somewhere around here?" Lance asked, walking into the Lab.

"Oh don't step on that!" Pidge exclaimed. But before Pidge even finished her sentence Lance was suddenly electrocuted by a loose wire.

"I'm... Not hurt!" Lance grinned, before falling flat on his back. "(y/n)... Please tell me you're close by" Lance groaned.

...Hours later...

"(y/n)..." Lance groaned, walking with a slouched back. "Please tell me you're in the last place I would expect you to be..." Lance slowly dragged himself to the bays and looked around for you. "(y/n)!" Lance exclaimed, "I'm so glad I guessed right and wasn't barfed on, electrocuted or smacked in the head!" Lance quickly ran over to you and gave you a comforting hug.

Much to your annoyance it took Lance a little while to realise that you were actually sad and depressed. "Are opposites supposed to attract?" You said aloud.

"Whoops," Lance chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "Sorry, I ran up to you like that. After you ran out I tried to look for you, but I guess you're so good at hiding that I can't even find you" Lance smiled. Moments of silence drifted in between you. Your unwillingness to speak brought a huge dose of awkwardness in the conversation. "So um... Speaking of hiding..." Lance hinted, scratching the back on his head.

"That's a bit too far," You said, reacting to his curiosity.

"Oh come on (y/n)" Lance nudged you, "It's okay no one is watching" Lance teased. Your eyes drifted to the lions. Lance followed your gaze and saw Blue staring down at the two of you. "Oh," Lance said dumbly.

"How bad do you want to know?" You asked, wondering whether to spill or not.

"Actually, you don't have to tell me (y/n), but I would really like to know" Lance smiled. You smile faintly in reply and sighed.

"Truth is my family wasn't wiped out" You admitted.

"I knew that" Lance smirked.

"Wait what?!" You exclaimed.

"When I was looking for you I ran into Pidge who was actually researching about you and your past" Lance explained. "At first, I wanted her to stop, but then I found out that your family abandoned you thanks to Pidge" Lance smiled. "No secrets between us hey?" Lance grinned, nudging you on the side. You forced yourself to smile and pushed Lance aside with your shoulder. "Oh no you don't" Lance smirked, pushing your harder. You replied with an even harder push which managed to knock Lance right to the ground. "Oh it's like that now is it?" Lance smirked.

Lance leaped onto you and tickled you on the side of your waist. "Lance!" You exclaimed, trying to push his hands away. You tried not to burst out laughing, but it was hard to keep anything inside. "Lance stop it!" You cried.

"Only if there are not secrets in between us" Lance conditioned.

"Okay! All right!" You squirmed. Lance stopped his torture and embraced you in a hug. You sighed as you relaxed in his arms.

"Ah, much better" You smiled.

Hey guys! Hopefully you guys enjoyed it! Especially you @Redneyistheshiz! Have a great day guys!

Cheerio! <3

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