Voltron and Moana crossover ~ Shiro x reader - The ocean friend

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Requested by SelinaBeckendorf

You were special. You always knew and now, more than ever, you knew that you were very special. It wasn't just because you found Shiro who found a great liking to you. It was because of a very special friend. And let's just say... Your friend brought you two together.

The story says that you were at the beach. And not just any beach. This was a little cove that was both safe and hidden from the knowledge of man. It was so secret that not even your family or close friends knew about it. And that's because, at the beach, you had a very special friend there... The ocean.

You were walking along the beach with a picnic blanket, basket, and tent with a sleeping bag. You were planning to stay here overnight seeing as you had the weekend off from work. You made sure to pack all you needed for an all nighter.

As you approached the warm sand the ocean waved at the sight of you. "Hey, friend!" You smiled, waving back. The ocean lifted the water arcing the shape to form a heart. "Aw! I love you too!" You smiled.

You pitched your tent quickly. The ocean saw your speed and quickly mustered a large wave. The ocean crashed down on you while you were working midway, but you smirked. "Ha! I've got a waterproof tarp over it so you can't do nothin to keep me away!" You laughed.

The ocean slapped the water in frustration and you grinned to yourself. "Honestly, I don't see why you want to keep me away. I thought we were good friends" You said aloud. If the ocean could talk, it would say that you snore too loudly.

As you finished pitching the tent and settling in you saw something in the distance. You pulled out your binoculars and spied on the far dot in the ocean. You looked through the lenses and saw a pod of dolphins splashing about. "Dolphins!" You exclaimed.

You already had your bathers on. You dropped your binoculars and dived right into the ocean. The ocean picked you up and torpedoed you over to the playful pod. It took a little while for you to 'swim' there, but in the end, you made it. The ocean slowed you down as you approached the pod. It let you swim to them all by yourself.

You slowly and cautiously approached the pod, being mindful of the fact that pods were starting to have babies around this time of year. You smiled as you quietly made your way over. You examined the beautiful creatures and identified them as bottlenose dolphins. "Hey, there" You smiled.

An incoming dolphin curiously swam over to you, squeaking and nudging against you. You stayed still and slowly moved your hand over to the dolphin. It shied away at first but came back for another curious round. You giggled and laughed as soon as the dolphin began to trust you. Soon, the entire pod was showing off all their stunts in front of you. But while your back was turned, something else came from behind...

Shiro was out surfing with his mates until an 'unexpected' turn of the tide moved him away. "Whoa! What the-" Shiro exclaimed as his board began to move on its own. Shiro tried to paddle away, but every effort was thwarted by a strong current that opposed him.

Suddenly his board shot out into the ocean like a spear. He was very lucky to have caught the board before it shot up from under him. Shiro stayed calm. It was hard to panic because he was so confused about this anomaly.

In the distance, he spied a black shape that was slowly swimming in the ocean. "What is that?" Shiro said aloud. "Shark?!" Shiro explained. 'My board is shooting me towards a shark?! What is going on??' Shiro thought. He tried to turn the board around until he saw something else in the distance, you.

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