Lance x reader - Together at last (The one left out part 3)

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Requested by: _Ashgaming_

Two star-crossed lovers sat alone without each other. Both longing for their other half to be fixed. You sighed and got up from your bed while Lance waited in his Lion. It was time for you to get over it, but your heart was aching saying that you should wait. Your mind, however, had other plans and hammered your heart with facts and logistics. You and your heart teared up as your hope sadly withered away.

Suddenly a portal appeared out of nowhere. It glew a bright cyan colour and spiralled into itself creating a hypnotic atmosphere. You stepped in and the portal sucked you into a stream of time and space. You felt nauseous beyond compare until a hard thump stopped all feeling except for a dazed effect in your head.

"(y/n)?" a voice gasped. It couldn't be... What did this portal thing do to you? "(y/n)?! I can't believe it!" Lance gasped. You turned around and saw a weird ship thing or something. And you saw Lance. He stood above you, dumbfounded. He was so much more handsome than you remembered. His hair, his eyes and his face pulled you in.

"Lance?" You croaked, slowly getting up. "Is... Is it really you?" You said. Your voice was shaking.

"It's me (y/n)" Lance answered. "Remember your old pal who got laughed at trying to play with you? Your best friend that kissed you right before our family moved away?" Lance asked.

"It really is you!" You sobbed. You ran to Lance and jumped into his arms, squeezing him affectionately. "I can't believe it's you" You whispered.

"How did you get here? Earth is thousands of galaxies away!" Lance asked.

"I guess I had some help" You answered. (Yeah, we gathered the power of all the Voltron fans so that you could be with Lance, now hurry up and kiss each other!)

"I really wonder sometimes" Lance chuckled.

"What?" You asked.

"How things work in and around you" Lance answered.

"What?" You exclaimed. "What on Earth makes you say that?" You questioned.

"Your beauty, your character, your eyes" Lance answered. You blushed and looked away. Lance was always the upfront flirter. It was cute and you didn't know. It was just Lance, that was all you could say. Whatever he did always made you blush. "You're so cute when you blush" Lance smirked.

"I wonder why" You whispered. You reached up and wrapped your hand around Lance's neck. Lance smirked and cupped your cheek and brought you in slowly. His hand pulled you in closer around the waist while the other held your cheek gently. You replied by combing your fingers through his ruffled hair and resting the other on his shoulder.

This was perfect.

Hullo! I feel a really long series with this one! Please comment if you want to see more content on this particular series, I am honestly screaming at how cute this is even though it's my own writing. It's like my fingers are typing away without me knowing making a story right in front of me. This is so CUTE!!!! I am dying!!! OR is just me 0_o... Hopefully not! Cheerio! <3

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