Keith x reader - Reckless part 2

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Reached over five votes! (Maybe should have said something like 20 comments rather than 5) As promised, here is the one-shot

Literally weeks after your agreement you and Keith actually started to get along with one another. Shiro would always insert pieces of advice that would help you get along with each other. You and Keith officially dubbed him "The wise guy."

When you two did fight it was hard for one of you to step down and find humility. But with time and practice, the arguments died down and peace was finally achieved. There would be some arguments and fights were bound to happen, but there was nothing a genuinely humble heart and an agonising (because it was true) piece of advice from Shiro and Allura, couldn't handle.

You and Keith sat close to one another, exhausted from training and saving the Galaxy. You were cuddled in Keith's arms snuggling up to his chest as Keith hugged you, pulling you closer to him.

"So tired," You mumbled.

"I could fall asleep right now" Keith added.

"HEL-LO EVERYBODY!!" Lance shouted as he walked into the lounge room.

"LANCE!!" You and Keith growled.

"There's only one living room in the castle so get used to it love birds," Lance said with a smug look.

"Actually Lance this is a Battle Class ship" Hunk corrected.

"You're here too?!" Keith frowned.

"Lance, Hunk, Shiro and I are here" Pidge answered.

Lance casually walked over and jumped on the two of you. "LANCE!!!!!!" You screamed, pushing Lance to the ground.

"Ow!" Lance whined collapsing on the ground. "Hey! You know you're not the only one in this room!" Lance protested.

"Lance, please just be quiet and just relax just like the rest of us" You begged.

"Hm!" Lance pouted, crossing his arms.

"Seeing you two together not arguing is really nice" Pidge smiled, playing with the mice.

"Yeah, the peace and quiet really helps things" Hunk agreed.

"Yeah, and all we need now is for Lance to shut up" Pidge grinned.

"Hey, Lance is great as he is. I mean, can you guys imagine a silent Lance?" You asked.

"Yeah, you have point" Pidge groaned.

"Hey, I think all good compliments should come to me," Keith asked with a smug look.

"Jealous are we?" You asked.

"Maybe" Keith smiled.

"Hmm," You laughed, kissing him on the cheek.

"Bleh!" Pidge cringed, poking her tongue out.

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