Sendak x reader - Unknown love

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Requested by: mear-kat

"Nah, nah, nope, nope!" You speed walked out of the room.

"(Y/n)! We need your help! You can't just leave us!" Allura called out. A sudden cry escalated in the room as the single voice was soon accompanied by other voices that cried and screamed.

"Babies, babies, babies, why did it have to be babies?! Couldn't it have been something like zombies or like a kind of hallucination that every person has?!" You complained. Coran, Allura, Hunk, Lance, Pidge, Keith and Shiro were all babies. And that's the worse bit. They were all hungry, tired, in need of a new toilet all at different times. You were taking care of everyone, but yourself. You took everyone to the living room. It was the most central room the in the castle and every other room was in reach. Food, water, pieces of unnecessary clothing, hand washing, sleeping, entertainment times seven!

"I'm not a mother! I'm not even old enough to be one!" You shouted. You fell to your knees in distress, procrastinating. "I need help" You sighed. "Problem is the one able to help is a prisoner in a pod. Heh, what the heck, I'm so tired that I'm thinking of hiring a bad guy as my assistant babysitter. What the heck. What. The. Heck" You sighed.

You did it again: Feed, Change, Entertain and set to sleep. Over and over again you repeated these drill like you were in the army. If any of these things happened without sync a baby would cry and you would be thrown into chaos. You were up to the stage when nano-sleep was a norm. Every other second was a time for your body to nano-sleep.

"This. This can't be good" You panted. You knelt on your hands and feet. You were reduced from just your two feet to your knees and hands. And that was only ten hours ago. Babies take years to grow and you haven't had any time to look for a cure or reason why every, but you was turned into babies.

"I can't think. My body's too weak. Sendak helping me sounds more and more reasonable" You sighed. You hung your head. Allura whined and cried loudly. "Shut up! I've had enough of your crying and your whining. If I ever get out of this alive I am slapping you against the face. You are more than a royal pain! You're a royal burden!" You screamed. The babe wailed louder than ever. "I'm gonna be a teenager and say that I hate you all!" You screamed, storming away.

You ran. Not to your bed, to the kitchen, not to the training deck, but to Sendak. You pushed the buttons together and freed him. Mist and freezing hair fell down onto your face as his pulsing yellow eye flashed open. "You are going to help me feed and care for seven babies. If you don't comply you are going to die through me. I will personally slice a kitchen knife through your throat and quarter you to pieces and you will beg for mercy because you didn't do a simple cleaning job for a growing baby you- I shouldn't let my tongue lose before something happens" You groaned.


"What are you talking about?" Sendak groaned.

"AARRGG!" You shrieked. You picked my by the neck and dragged his face across the floor as you led him towards the babies. "Pick one of these guys up and feed them with that" You ordered. Sendak looked at you cluelessly as your face boiled red. You stormed over to Allura and dumped her in Sendak's arms. "Feed. The. Baby" You commanded.

"My brute strength and knowledge are useless with this task. I should kill you now where you stand and the rest of these younglings while they are defenceless" Sendak grew in size despite the fact that he just came out of a pod. You glared back at him.

"If you think that your race is as strong and mighty as you think then you're brain is as dumb as a snail's. Taking care of the young is vital for caring for the next generation and what you're doing is neglecting what these babies can become!" You retorted.

"These babes will grow up as enemies of the Galra empire, and as a faithful servant of the Lord Zarkon, it is my duty to serve him until death and ensure his rule on the throne. Even if it means killing children while they are young" Sendak replied. Allura, who had silenced over time, spring with fresh tears. A soft whimper had grown to a new level of crying. She genuinely looked up to Sendak with grief and wept. Her cries did not go unheard. Soon, everyone else had tears springing from their eyes.

Sendak watched the babes as you groaned and walked over to each and every one of them. He watched you calm them with sweet and gentle words wiping their tears and cradling them until their cries were reduced to small whimpers, then silence. One by one, they were tamed to a sleep, silence finally free from the bondage of sound.

Allura sniffled. Sendak, great and mighty, looked down to the child. Allura, still wet in tears, shielded her eyes. Allura was held in his metallic arm. Anytime when Sendak moved his hand closer to Allura, she would cry. "She's scared of you," You said. You saw a flicker in his eyes. It flashed and dissolved into his expression. You frowned. "Is this really what you pictured when you thought of a might Galra empire? To have women and children fearing you? Is this what you call power?" You demanded.

"Do you even have a heart?!" You shouted. Sendak was still.

"I used to" He replied.

"Did you pull it out of your chest?" You scoffed.

"It was taken from me" He answered.

"I doubt it, sounds like you and your race are cold and heartless beings. All you care about is yourselves, tearing the galaxy into pieces until nothing living but your kind is left. You Galra don't understand the meaning of life, but you sure as heck know what the meaning of death is" You said.

"You don't understand," He said softly. You glared at him.

"What is there to understand? You are more than ready to kill these children" You growled. Your face heated red. With a shake of your head, you turned aside and walked away from him.

"I never knew my mother," He said simply. Your body stopped. "I don't think I was even old enough to remember her." Hesitantly, you turned. "But I think she would have been like you." You spun. Sendak, still a Galra, looked up to you. He sat on the floor, cross-legged with a child in his hand and looked up to you. Even his metallic eye had a hint of sorrow. You couldn't help but stare at the reflection of it.

A pang of guilt, a tear of sadness and the swell of emotion. You fell on your knees. "I- I'm sorry" you whispered. Reflecting waters poured down your face. "I never knew you were brought up like that."


In silence, you two sat. Over time, somehow, you grew closer. After each of you took a task to care for the children, you sat closer to where the other was. It was until you were right next to each other, that you noticed how close you had become. By then, you were beyond exhausted. Unconsciously, your head rested on his shoulder. You gasped and sat up when you realised that you had nestled against him.

"Sorry" You apologised. You looked to Sendak for a reaction. His ears had drooped.

"Can I have your hand?" He asked. Sendak flexed his fingers outward and offered it to you. Your vision was barely functional. You cleared your throat and moved from the wall to get an understanding of what purple figure was in front of you.

"Am I dreaming of a purple kitty?" You mumbled. You reached out with your hand, grazing your fingertips against his cheek. Suddenly, something met your lips. In an instant, your vision cleared and so did your mind. You melted as he embraced you and pulled you closer to him.

VLD Oneshots (Character x reader) ~ REQUESTS ARE CLOSED :'(Where stories live. Discover now