Headcannons - Love Languages

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Shiro values time. He loves spending time with you and every second spent with you is worth it. Whether that might be fighting Galra, watching movies or even cleaning the castle. He loves it when you give him undivided attention and feels loved when you listen.


Hunk's love language is touch. His love language may be uncertain at first. You know he loves food, fixing things and spending time with you, but once you take a step back you know that his primary love language is touch. He shows his appreciation for you by kissing you or giving you a hug. It's impossible not to greet him without receiving a hug or kiss (and completely irresistible for you to reply with a peck or squeeze).


Lance's love language is definitely time and gifts. He loves your attention and hates it when you multitask in front of him because he feels like what you are doing is more important than spending time with him. That's why he always shows off to people or loves it when you choose to stay and sit with/next him doing whatever rather than going off to do your own thing. Don't forget to give him presents as well because he loves the surprise.


Pidge's love language is probably service or words of encouragement. You can't tell at first how she expresses her love, but you can see that any word of encouragement will turn her frown upside down. You noticed that when Shiro helped her calmed down with words before she became the Green Paladin she felt comforted. She, in turn, encourages you and makes jokes and such to cheer you up.


Keith's love language is Words of Affirmation. He isn't a touchy person thanks to his history of being alone, but give him a word of encouragement and he'll smile even when he had the worst day of his life. He loves his space, that's why he feels love through words. Anything else will suffocate the poor guy. A sentence of encouragement will be enough to make his day.


Coran's love language is service. You can tell by the way he treats other people; he does things for others. He shows his love to you by cleaning after you've made a mess or picking up something you've dropped. And he loves it when you do something for him as well. The greater the task done for him, the more loved he feels.


Allura's love language is words of affirmation. Being a leader is hard! Let alone being the leader of the Paladins and the captain of the castle. What's more, she's the Princess of Altea and one of the last surviving members of her species. If you've noticed, she reacts happily to words of encouragement. She even gives out a lot of feedback (Although they're not always positive) because that's how she shows her her love towards others.

For example, she goes to her father for advice and clings onto his words, she compliments the Paladins once they've finally worked as a team, she gets really upset when someone says something mean to her and she does talk a lot. Words build and crush her as if she were a pile of sand.

VLD Oneshots (Character x reader) ~ REQUESTS ARE CLOSED :'(Where stories live. Discover now