Lance x reader - Stranded part 1

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Requested by: shady_guardian


I couldn't remember much. My mind was hazed. It was like a living cloud was blocking me from thinking. Not that I wanted to think. My head was throbbing and there was pain all over my body. Now I wanted to know. What the hell happened and where was I? My mind has never felt this foggy and I didn't remember catching I cold or something... Wait! I have to catch my flight!

I thrashed out of my covers, but bile erupted in my throat. I coughed at the acidic fluid in my throat. Wait... This is not my room. I was in an oddly shaped metal structure with windows that evenly dotted the sides and next to those windows were seats. This was the plane I was supposed to catch.

I swallowed and instantly regretted it. My through still burned and it was dry as a dessert. My breathing was hindered and I was dying for water while feeling living pain over my entire body. I lifted my hand to my throat, but it was warm and cotton? A bandage was wrapped around it and so were my hands. Red stains streaked across my palms. I lay them on the ground where a makeshift bed was created. There was another pile of clothes made for another person.

I crawled over to the blankets and touched it, it was cold. I frowned and wondered who I was stuck with and what on earth happened to everyone else. 



It hadn't been too long. The sun was hadn't moved too much and I had a pretty good day! I trod along the forest ground with a bag full of sticks, food and some other things from the luggage compartment. Hopefully, the girl would be awake. She was pretty beaten up when the plane crashed. Thank goodness that planes had first aid otherwise I think she would have died. Her seat was covered with blood and I wouldn't know what to do.

I shook my head and walked faster. The thought of her dying, even though she was a stranger triggered me. The foreign, yet familiar, view of the plane crash shone out with its silver colour and civilised figure. The nose was buried into the earth with its tail slightly elevated off the ground. I threw my bags into the open door and jumped up closing the door behind me.

A feminine voiced yelped when I got on the plane and something thrust me out the second I got in. "Who the hell are you?" She whispered.

I grunted and gingerly rubbed the back of my head and coughed a couple of times. "Well, it looks like the medicine works and stronger than ever" I laughed.



He laughed. I frowned at his remark and stared back at the bags. "Who are you?" I demanded.

"My name is Lance, what about you?" He asked. I hesitated. He's a stranger who just came here without warning. Was he the person who took care of me? It would make sense, he remarked about medicine and there was only one more sleeping bundle.

"(y/n)," I answered.

"(y/n), it suits you" He smiled. I turned away and hoped that I was not blushing and that I was coming up with a fever instead. "Uh (y/n), can I come in?" Lance asked. Lance got back on his feet and shrugged with his hands on his pocket. I nodded and stepped aside for him to jump up. I peered out the door after he got in and looked down. It didn't look like a huge drop or jump. It was around Lance's shoulder from the ground. "Boo!" Lance shouted.

"Aah!" I exclaimed. I clutched my heart and furiously swerved toward Lance who was running away to the other side of the plane. I tried to run after him, but my calf burned before I could react. I growled and hobbled down the aisle using the seats as support.

VLD Oneshots (Character x reader) ~ REQUESTS ARE CLOSED :'(Where stories live. Discover now