Shiro x reader - The two sides part 1

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Requested by: Tootsypop21

He was the talk of the school. A transfer kid from America had wondered his way into your humble academy. All the guys were buzzing about how to prank him or if he'll be a competitor in getting some of the girls. The girls, being the nosy beings they were, already leaked a photo of the new student.

The rumours about the new transfer student sprouted like weeds; appearing everywhere and almost impossible to get rid of. A name, Shiro, was the name of our new student. From his full name, Takashi Shirogane, his background and stereotype was already decided. A Japanese student meant he was either really laid back or extremely nerdy. But his handsome face was already making girls fall head over heels over that boy.

You, however, rolled your eyes. Though you had heard about the rumours and never bothered to check what he looks like, you were unshaken. EXAMs were around the corner and you weren't going to let simple talk get in the way of your opportunity to finally have permission to drive the family car. The deal was: Get good marks all this year and the family car is yours.

Some hot guy like Shiro wasn't going to distract you from what was really important, the future.


A few weeks later, the student finally decided to show himself. Coincidentally, you were in all his classes. This was much to your annoyance as you were the only girl to have all the same classes as him, within your group of friends that it. Everyone was bugging you with questions. All of which were unnecessary, scarily dirty sometimes and above all, distracting!

"Just stop it!" You exclaimed. You and your friends were sitting together in the cafeteria gossiping about Shiro. "I'm not interested in this topic, if you want information about him, go ask some other person who is in all his classes" You huffed.

"Yeah, but they're all the popular kids! You're the only friendly person we can talk to!" Tiffany whined.

"Friendly isn't the term I would use to describe (y/n) right now" Laura commented. "She looks pretty screwed to me" She commented.

"Oh stop it guys you're making (y/n) really annoyed!" Beth cried, fearfully watching your expression grow sour.

"Thank you Beth, you have a great eye of observation" You smiled. It was a fake smile, you were boiling with rage, but for her sake, you kept your cool.

"Just spill once incy detail" Tiffany begged. I was about to answer when Laura gulped and paled.

"Are you okay?" You asked Laura.

"Hot sauce at twelve" Laura answered. Tiffany began hyperventilating while Beth silently squealed and nudged you with her elbow. Laura just stared as 'Hot Sauce' came over.

"Hello ladies" a male voice cooed. Tiffany tried to act calm and cool, but it looked she was in pain while trying to smile. Laura was about to faint at any second while Beth eyed him. You, on the other hand, took no interest.

"Hi," You answered with a confidence. "What can we help you with?" You asked.

"Nothing comes to mind, unless there's something you want me to help you with" Shiro answered with a smirk, sitting on the side of the table.

"Actually no, there isn't something I want you to help me with, other than fix that flirtatious attitude. Unlike my friends here, I'm not in the mood to swoon over some guy I just met. I know you're a new student here, but you're still in a high school that have teachers and standards, not just students. So goodbye" You said. You packed your lunch up and left your friends to have fun with Shiro.

"Ouch, is she always like this?" Shiro asked Laura kindly. Laura blushed at his undivided attention to her and shook her head.

"She's like this all the time. She's had boys ask her out on dates or propose to be their girlfriend, but she's one of the hardest girl's to get. No one has come even close to making her smile through flirting" Tiffany answered.

"Actually, the only guy that makes her smile is her brother. But he's gone to college. That's been what... Two years ago" Beth added.

"So she's a hard to get girl heh?" Shiro remarked.

"Is someone interested?" Tiffany asked, raising her brow.

"Maybe," Shiro answered.


You slammed the door of your locker, almost jamming your fingers in the process. That was too close! Way too close! One more mark down and you wouldn't have scored that A! You tried breathing in and out, but you raged against yourself. How you could have ended up with such a low mark was unacceptable.

What's more was that you felt guilty. The other day when you made your first impression on Shiro wasn't the best. You felt the urge to apologise, but you wanted to do it in private. Going over to him during school would make you a part of the group of girls that flock over him. He officially made it to the 'cool guys' club.

You didn't know how to talk to him privately. Maybe a call or text message would be safe enough, since you didn't want to be seen with him. But the matter of getting a hold of his number was nerve wrecking. Asking another student for his number would be seen as an act of desperation. Maybe a teacher had it.

After school you walked over to the office and requested his number. You received a sharp and curious look from the office lady. When you were questioned why you simply answered, "I had a fight with him and I don't want to be embarrassed in front of everyone. I want to talk to him in private so that I can apologise and possibly make amends for my irrational mistake." Your elaborate response won you simply look of satisfaction. A piece of paper with a phone number was passed over to you.

'May the odds ever be in my favour' You thought.

That night, you called him. "Hello? Shiro speaking" You heard.

"Hi," You answered, "This is (y/n), I spoke to you earlier at lunch on your first day."

"Oh right, I remember you" Shiro replied.

"Okay, look. I'm really sorry about how I behaved when you said hello. That was wrong and really immature" You apologised.

"No that's fine. In fact, I like it a lot" Shiro answered.

You rolled your eyes. 'Boys' You thought. "Really? You're flirting with me now when I told you that I don't appreciate it" You said firmly.

"Hey that's not I call flirty bae. Why? You had a bad experience with guys flirting with you?" Shiro asked.

"That's none of your business!" You shouted, ending the call. You threw your phone on your bed and sat on the end of it, holding your forehead. You almost broke down, but held yourself together. The tears weren't going to come out tonight.


On the other side, Shiro was staring at his phone. He sighed and furrowed his eyebrows. "What was that all about?" He wondered.


You lay in bed and tried to forget that you had emotions. Your thought traced back to your brother. Shiro had an effect on you, that's for sure. His flirtatious character ached your heart. Every time you thought about it, the image of your brother flashed before your eyes. Two years with little to no contact with your brother and suddenly, out of the shadows, a boy that is so similar to your brother appears.

Come to think about it, he was probably a lot more attractive than your brother would ever be. You laughed aloud exactly what he would say. You missed your brother. That was for sure. Your thoughts wandered back to Shiro. Because he reminded you of your brother so much, you didn't know what to think of him or how on earth you were going to treat him.

You shook that thought off and went to sleep.

VLD Oneshots (Character x reader) ~ REQUESTS ARE CLOSED :'(Where stories live. Discover now