Horror game Headcannon

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Coran and Allura
Either Coran will freak out like a chicken and always hide behind Allura or both Alteans will chicken out. But if Allura is brave, she'll brush all the graphics away knowing that they're not real and continue playing a boring game that is meant to torture people and their sanity.

Lance and Keith
Of course, they'd get scared, but not show it to each other wanting not to look like a complete wis and eventually come up with an excuse to stop playing the game. Then, after having left the game, be forever haunted by scary thoughts every time it's dark or when there's a creepy noise in the castle and silently scream like a girl. (I don't ship Lance and Keith by the way)

Hunk and Pidge
Pidge and Hunk will gladly accept playing the game, but will then run away from the TV and control the minute they get scared and run to Shiro (who, unfortunately, is playing the exact game they stopped playing).

Shiro would be playing the game like a pro. Getting scared a few times here and there, but still, ace it (Much to everyone's annoyance).

Hagar and Zarkon
Lord Zarkon will order Hagar to play the game while she manipulates the controls to do all her dirty work for her. Both Galras watch the game and eventually lose interest.

...The second he sees a spider, he runs the other way...

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