Keith x reader - Infected part 2

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For weeks you had been growing worse since the day your immune system stopped. The skin on your left arm was cracked and was glowing purple. Every day the infection grew. Now the infection grew onto your face. Half of it was covered and even the pods in the infirmary weren't able to do anything.

Every day Keith would come visit you when he could. He would wait for you to wake up. He would hold your hand, account to you what happened that day, even kiss you though you were infected. It didn't matter. He tried to do everything to bring you back. But every time he left the room he felt like nothing could bring you back... Because nothing would...

...A few days later...

"Attention Paladins" Allura said over the speakers. "I need you all to come to the infirmary at once... Coran and I need to tell you something" Allura said gravely.

Everyone made their way to the infirmary. Keith had his head down and his eyes low; he knew what Allura was about to say. "Paladins..." Allura said slowly, her fingers were intertwined with each other and were held close to her chest. Allura's eyes were fixed on yours.

"(y/n)... Isn't going to make it" Allura cried. She cringed her eyes in grief. She, Coran and the other Paladins were blown by the news, but no one was suffering as much as Keith.

He was silently crying. 'No!' He thought. 'No no no! Not (y/n)!' "There must be something we can do! If the Galras can catch this and still survive then there must be a cure!" Keith protested.

"Keith..." Coran replied, looking pitifully at the young Paladin. "We looked into what the cure was, but... It's toxic to humans and if we administer it to (y/n) then she will have to battle the virus and the toxins. We can't let her suffer any more" Coran explained.

"So we're going to put her down like a dog?! Is that what you're saying?!" Keith screamed. 

"Keith this is all we can do for (y/n)" Shiro said calmly, resting his hand on Keith's shoulder.

"Oh, now you're on board with this too?!" Keith growled, shaking Shiro's hand off of him. "We can't just let her die like this!" Keith protested, "There must be something we can do for (y/n)!"

"Keith," Allura said, resting both her hands on his shoulders. "I know this is hard, but sometimes all we can do for the sake of other people is to let them go," Allura said. "When my father's A.I was corrupted I had to let go of the very essence of my father, the only thing I had left of him. Or at least what I thought was the only thing I had left of him. Even if (y/n) is gone, it doesn't mean she will just disappear. She'll be in here" Allura said, touching his heart.

Keith was in full blow tears at this stage. Pools were being made below him at his feet.

"Keith... You have to let her go" Lance said behind him.

"You have no idea what those words mean to me" Keith growled to Lance.

"Letting her go means killing her right now" Keith scowled.

"Keith you don't have to be the one to... Let her go" Pidge offered.

"Yeah..." Hunk added.

"I appreciate the offer guys, but... If anyone is going to do this it's going to be me" Keith said, determined.

"Keith that is going to traumatise you" Shiro warned. "Believe me, reoccurring visions of something that you hated doing is not something you want to see every day of your life."

Keith narrowed his eyes towards you. "I'm sorry, but if the blame falls on anyone else, but me then I'm going to go insane," Keith said. Everyone was silent for a moment. No one knew what to say. Keith had never acted like this before.

"All right" Allura agreed.

"What?!" Everyone gaped at once.

"Keith, this is a serum that will cause (y/n) to fall asleep then... She'll be at peace" Allura handed over a syringe that contained an eerier shade of green. Keith eyed the syringe, hesitating. But the thought of having you die fighting to your last breath in agony motivated him to give you a restful end.

Slowly, he injected you with the serum. The needle entered your skin. He pushed and the injection was complete when he pulled the syringe out of your body. In the last seconds of your life, you took a deep breath and let out your final breath. Keith heard that final breath. And in his heart no matter how much he denied it, he knew that you found peace after fighting for weeks.

"I loved you every day and I'll miss you every day..."

I was crying when I was writing this! (sniffles) I'll make an alternative ending for you guys! I promise!

Cheerio! <3

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