Reader vs Allura x Shiro - Miss takes

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Requested by Parispanda22

You and the Paladins had a quiet night together. Everyone was a little tired from training, but we all had enough energy to have a little talk with one another. "You two did well in the training sessions" Shiro complemented Hunk and Pidge.

"Thanks," Hunk and Pidge smiled. "

Yeah, since becoming a team you two have become really good friends looking out for one another, I've enjoyed seeing that in the team" You smiled.

"I just wish some people would follow example" Shiro sighed, looking over to Lance and Keith.

You turned over to Lance and Keith who were exhausted, but had enough of each other to make sure they had a two-metre separation in between them. "Do you want me to do something about it?" You asked.

"No, it's okay, I'll get Allura to do it" Shiro answered.

"Wait what?!" You and Lance exclaimed.

"What? Allura does have a stance of authority" Shiro answered innocently. You and Lance looked at each other knowing something was up.

One cue, Allura walked into the room. "Did someone call me? I heard someone say my name" Allura asked, taking a seat in between you and Shiro, to which you frowned upon.

"You bet I called your name beautiful" Lance remarked. You and Allura rolled your eyes.

"So returning to the previous question, who called me?" Allura asked.

"I said your name" Shiro said, owning up.

"Oh?" Allura replied.

"Yeah, I was wondering if you could take care of Lance and Keith. On our first day, you helped us work as a team and I was wondering if you could possibly do that again with Lance and Keith?" Shiro asked, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"Of course! I would love to!" Allura smiled delightfully.

"That's great. I'm glad you accepted" Shiro replied.

"Oh and Shiro, there's something I need to talk to you about," Allura said, looking over to you.

'Oh no, you didn't! Shiro is mine!!!' You screamed inside your head.

"Sure, do you want to talk about it now?" Shiro asked.

"Yes," Allura answered. "Okay." And with that, Shiro and Allura were gone.

"Something's up," Keith observed.

"And it's not just you who thinks so" You growled.

"Someone's jealous," Lance sniggered.

"I'll say, you were glaring at Shiro the whole time when Allura smiled at him" Hunk noted.

"Oh, whatever man!" Lance humphed, crossing his arms and turning around.

"Either way, I'm going to get to the bottom of this" You gnarled, moving to get up.

"If you're going to spy of Shiro and Allura then I'm coming along with you" Lance announced, quickly standing up with you.

"Told you he was jealous" Hunk smiled, watching Lance and you march out of the door.

"You said it" Pidge acknowledged.


"Stop leaning on me!" You whispered harshly.

"Shh! They'll hear us!" Lance snapped.

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