Shiro x Altean - Not about me

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Requested by: CoraNightwalker101 (Cool username by the way!!)

Shiro hunched over on the couch and sighed. "How are you able to do this every day?" Shiro asked. You rubbed his back and replied.

"Lots and lots of patience," you said.

"I don't know how long I can do this" Shiro admitted.

"But you have to!" You said. "Shiro you are the Black Paladin. You cannot leave us!" Shiro hung his head and leant against his knees.

"Keith is almost ready," Shiro said.

"Shiro please don't think about leaving us" you begged. "You know what, stay here. I'll get you something from the kitchen. Would you like tea or coffee?" You asked.

"I'll just have tea. I might have a rest after this" Shiro said. You smiled, but when you stood up to leave to the kitchen you dropped your expression. Shiro had been so tired lately and the stress had been getting too much. You set the water to boil and walked around the kitchen to get the bag and milk. Maybe you could give him a break by taking the workload off of him. He usually gets stressed because of the recent friction between the Paladins. You snapped your fingers and grinned at the ceiling. That's it! You were going to take half of the workload that was dropped on his shoulders. You were finally going to be useful in the castle.

When you water finished boiling, you plopped the bag into his cup and returned to the living. You found Shiro snoozing away on the couch and sighed. You were glad that he was asleep, but why he fell asleep worried you. When the doors of the living room slid open you glared at the person and hushed then sharply. Lance was a taken back and stopped dead in his tracks.

"Is Shiro sleeping?" Lance asked. You walked over to Lance and nodded your head.

"Yes, he just fell asleep" you answered. "Can I help if you need anything then?" You asked.

"Actually I was going to ask Shiro to break up a fight between Pidge and Hunk.

"I'll do it!" You said excitedly. "Where are they?" You asked.

"In the lab, but I don't think they'll listen to anyone!" Lance called out. He sighed as you ran past him toward the laboratory. "She's going to get slaughtered" Lance whimpered.

You could hear the commotion from outside of the lab. You breathed in and out calmly readying yourself for the confrontation. "You can do this (y/n)," you said. "Just pull yourself together, this is for Shiro and the team." You walked in and saw Pidge on top of Hunk whacking his gave while Keith chased after them. You walked into the room and yelled at the top of your lungs. "Pidge! Pull yourself together and get down like a lady should!" You ordered. Pidge turned toward you glaring into your eyes with a bloodthirsty look. "I know Hunk has been annoying you for a while now, but please. Let's talk this through, it is the only logical way to lead to a resolution" You said.

Pidge growled at you once more and climbed down his shoulders folding her arms. "Pidge, what's the matter?" You asked. Pidge sharpened her gaze at you and flicked it toward Hunk who also had his arms crossed. You turned to Keith who was sighing off in the corner.

"These two were at each other when they were fighting over how the tools should be arranged" Keith answered.

"That's it?" You asked, almost in disbelief.

"Yep, and they've been at it for almost half an hour" Keith answered.

"That's quite a long time, where has Allura been this entire time?" You asked. Keith shrugged and walked out of the room. "Where are you going?" You exclaimed.

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