Reader x Shiro - Sniper

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Suggested by mear-kat

You were a passive girl. You were quiet and faithful like Coran. The only difference between your age, race, gender and your ability to fight. While Coran had his Altean moves you had no humanly self-defense whatsoever. This obviously worried Shiro. Everyone in the team, but you, knew how to fight.

One day you were quietly reading your book as there were no clothes to wash (until tomorrow), no systems to check or reboot (Until Lance or Hunk crash them again), no floors to be wiped (until the next three seconds) and no training to do because... Well... You didn't really have any training to do.

"Hey (y/n)?" Shiro asked, knocking on the door frame.

"Hm?" You replied, trying not to get too distracted from your book.

"If someone were to hold you in a headlock would you be able to get out?" Shiro asked.

"I'd probably run away before they could get to me" You replied bluntly, racing to finish the chapter.

"That's what I thought" Shiro sighed.

...(Whatever time you think this happened)...

You watched from a distance as Shiro and the others fought against the guardians. The team was going well. Everyone was training from at least level two which was a good sign of progress since Allura started training them a few months back. You kept your eyes on Shiro the whole time (of course). His actions carefully manoeuvred around the guardian, decisively blocking and dodging his attacks.

"Heads up (y/n)!" Lance exclaimed as Pidge's guardian ran up to you.

"Whoa!" You exclaimed, barely dodging the thing. You leaped back into a back handspring landing in an awkward position after such a fright. "Phew," You stammered, still shaken by the experience. "Okay! I am so out of here" You announced, speed walking out of the training deck. You tried to take deep breaths in and out. 'Fight it... Fight it...' You repeated in your head.

"(y/n), the target's closing in on your right" A radio announced in your helmet.

"Copy that" You replied, looking into your scope as a woman walked into the open with her hands covering her face and torso like she was hiding something. You examined her head to toe as her eyes darted everywhere instead of starting straight ahead like a calm person would. Her actions were stiff and frightened. She had something to hide.

You carefully aimed at her chest and noticed something reflecting back. You cried out in pain as whatever shined reflected a sharp ray of light, blinding you from your target. Suddenly out of nowhere another sniper shot fired into your calf. You clamped your mouth shut and tried to hold yourself without making a sound.

You hurriedly went back to your gun and quickly fired at your target before moving onto your injury.

You gasped. You didn't know how to fight, but you definitely knew how to shoot. You quietly reached your room and slowly lifted up the lower part of your pants to reveal the mark of the bullet that impacted your calf. It hurt a little after your stunt with the back handspring, but it wasn't too serious.

"What was that?" Shiro asked, barging into your room.

"Uh..." You answered.

"What is that?" Shiro asked, glaring at your gun shot wound.

"This?" You asked, pointing to your calf. "Or that?" You asked, pointing back at the training deck.

"Both," Shiro answered.

"Sniper wound," You said, pointing at your calf. "Back handspring" You pointed back at the training deck.

"Where did you learn to do a handspring and get a sniper wound?" Shiro asked.

"I was a sniper for the military once upon a time" You answered, "And I was a level 7 gymnast when I was little, but I stopped after a bit." Shiro nodded as he frowned at the scar. He ran his finger over the scar. The touch tickled you, but you kept silent.

"How'd it happen?" Shiro asked.

"I hesitated" You answered, covering the scar again.

"You said that if someone would hold you into a head lock you wouldn't know what to do" Shiro pointed out.

"I wouldn't know what to do, but I would know what to do if someone gave me a gun" You answered.

"You said you couldn't fight," Shiro said.

"But I know how to shoot" You replied. Shiro frowned in confusion as he looked up to you.

"Just because I can't fight doesn't mean I don't know how to take care of myself" You smiled. "Who says that you need to know how to fight to be strong?" You asked.

This isn't the best one-shot, but I'm running low on ideas. I am so sorry for not updating. I sent an update to those who follow me. For those who don't know, I have a restriction placed on me by my parents. So I can't write on weekdays!

If you guys would follow me or at least write up a comment it would be a really big encouragement to me.

Cheerio! <3

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