Reader x Paladins - Leading by example

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Requested by foseriousyj

You were tiny, around the same size and age of Pidge. Scavenging, stealing and hiding was your specialty. I mean you weren't called the Tiny Nipper for nothing! You of course were on the run from the Galra, I mean, who else would be chasing you? Actually... Scratch that question; you were wanted dead by a lot of people. You may have stolen a 'few' priceless paintings to pay off debts that hung around you for years, weapons and armour from various species and cultures, a few ships and battle cruisers here and there; basically you had done enough damage to be one of the most wanted criminals in the galaxy.

Once the Paladins found out that they weren't the only ones to stir up trouble for the Galra they thought it would be a good idea to recruit you. After all, no one else in the castle knew the current galaxy better than you did. It was a win win bargain that couldn't turn on them...

They were wrong...

A few weeks of getting comfortable with the Paladins old habits snuck back to you. First, it was Lance's jacket. You were used to hot and sweaty runs from anyone who wanted to you dead and wore a blank tank top with a sleeveless vest, cargo pants and boots. Inside the castle with nothing to do, but walk brought your body temperature a little lower than you were used to. The Castle of Lions was now dubbed the Castle of Ice.

Lance's jacket was the warmest piece of clothing you had tried (You had worn Keith's jacket and it did NOT solve your cold problem. How did the guy survive in that thin jacket?! It's crazy!!!). At first Lance didn't notice that his jacket was gone since he was constantly wearing his Paladin uniform, hence why he didn't find out until he wanted to change into normal clothes. It didn't take long for him to spot you wearing his jumper in the hallway. "Hey that's mine!" Lance cried, rushing after you.

You stretched your face with shock and quickly darted away from the angry Lance. From your end you looked ridiculous. Because your arms and legs were short, your hands didn't quite make it out of Lance's jacket. When you ran you looked like a kid who was wearing their father's or brother's jacket, flailing their arms in the air whilst running away like a freaked chicken.

Your quick little legs helped you escape from Lance, much to his annoyance, but feeling bad for him, you returned it that night while he was sleeping. It felt good to give it back to him, but you were actually really cold. So you poked around someone else's room to find a way to warm yourself up. You peaked into Pidge's room, knowing that she was around your size and that her clothes had more of a chance of fitting you, and came across her glasses that were neatly placed on her desk. You stared at the strange accessory in curiosity. You had never seen anyone with glasses except for Pidge and didn't know what they were for.

You quietly picked them up and placed them on your nose like Pidge did. The moment your eyes looked through them you screeched in pain. You gasped and quickly ran out the door before Pidge woke up. "Huh?" Pidge asked, turning the lights on. Pidge looked around in her room and noticed that her glasses were gone. "WHO TOOK MY GLASSES?!?!?!" Pidge screamed. "LANCE WAS THAT YOU?!" Pidge roared. You quickly scurried down the hallway past all the Paladin's room thinking you got away with it until a strong hand grabbed your collar and hoisted you into the air.

"I think I found your culprit" Shiro said, turning you around to face furious Pidge. "Come on, give it back to Pidge" Shiro commanded as Pidge marched down the hall towards you. You pulled a disappointed face and gave her glasses back.

"Thank you!" Pidge said, sliding them back on her face.

"Now, let's all go to bed and not mess around with each other's stuff, okay?" Shiro asked everyone.

"Yeah yeah," Lance answered, walking back into the bedroom yawning. Hunk and Keith had already left after finding out that you stole Pidge's glasses.

"Don't do that again" Shiro warned.

"Okay Dad," You said, rolling your eyes.

Did you listen to Shiro? Obviously not! Next were Keith's gloves. This wasn't just for curiosity or because of a physical need; it was because Keith did something to you. You see, because of your height and tendency of getting scared easily Keith decided to pull a prank on you (This was because you had cut his hair in the middle of the night for fun). He pulled the *whipped creamed hand prank on you in the middle of the night, placed a blow horn on your seat when you sat down and of course used the classic whoopee cushion.

After all three pranks, you had enough. One night you snuck into Keith's room and stole his gloves. You knew that he loved wearing them and taking them away would be your form of revenge. In the morning Keith was very, very, very upset. But because of your fast little legs, he couldn't catch you. In fact, he was always three metres behind you and further if you ran at your top speed. "You can't ca-ah-tch me-e, you can't ca-ah-tch me-e!" You teased in a sing voice.

"(Y/N)!!!!!" Keith screeched.

"Heh heh heh!" You laughed, darting around the hallway. Eventually, Keith gave up and went to big daddy to complain about this little sister stealing his favourite gloves.


"Shiro?" Keith called out, knocking on Shiro's bedroom door.

"Yeah?" Shiro answered.

"(y/n)'s a pain in the neck" Keith sighed. That's all Keith needed to say before Shiro walked out the room with his arm around Keith's shoulders.

"It's (y/n) isn't it?" Shiro asked, ushering him inside.

"Stealing is like her way of living!" Keith whined.

"That's because it is her way of living! She's been doing this since forever, you didn't think that she wouldn't steal from us did you?" Shiro asked, folding his arms, smirking.

"Ugh, yeah you have a point" Keith sighed, collapsing his face into his hands while the rest of his body crashed on the edge of Shiro's bed.

"So what do you want me to do?" Keith asked.

"Well, I've always been told that it's not the sibling's job to fix them, but their parent's" Shiro replied.

"What?! Then what am I supposed to do?! Sit on the sidelines while they muck around ruining everyone's lives?!" Keith screamed.

"No, your job is to love them" Shiro answered.

"Right, make my first girlfriend with a thief that we just recruited a few weeks ago," Keith said sarcastically.

"...No," Shiro replied, slightly laughing at his response.

Shiro had let go of his embrace with Keith but wrapped his arm around his friend's shoulder again. "Give (y/n), an example to follow. Sometimes leading people isn't always telling people what to do because they're not always going to want to obey you. Leading people can also be done by being an example to others."

Keith let out an even louder sigh. "Why do you always corner people?" Keith asked.

"I'm not cornering you. I'm telling you something true, that's why you feel cornered; because you can't deny it," Shiro answered.

"Ugh!!" Keith groaned. Shiro simply smiled and pat his friend on the back sympathetically.

"Do you know what to do now?" Shiro asked.

"Yeah," Keith sighed, uncovering his face and looking over to Shiro.

"Thanks," Keith smiled.

"Hey no worries buddy, after all, you're not the only one suffering" Shiro answered.

"Really?" Keith asked.

"Yeah, Hunk lost his toolbox 'mysteriously' today" Shiro grinned.

*While the victim is sleeping the pranker sprays some whipped cream or honey or glue on your hand(s). After applying whatever you placed on the victim's hand you tickle their nose with a feather, hair or something and then when the sleeper tried to rub their face to itch it the goo or whatever is splashed onto their face.

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