Shiro and Hannah (Keith x Hannah) - Memories part 7

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***Yes, Keith and Hannah are now cannon!***

When Hannah's chest hitched in a breath her eyes opened. "Hannah, Shiro!" Keith called out.

"No," Hannah croaked, reaching for Keith's arm. "This won't last long, I can already feel myself dying all over again."

"No, that's not going to happen, I'm going to get Shiro in here," Keith said determinedly.

"Keith," Hannah whispered, feeling the absence of his sleeve when he left you. "You're not going to make it." Keith ran in the halls of the Castle crying for Shiro.

"Shiro! Hannah is alive! Please come!" He begged, frantically running to his room. Shiro was on his bed with his head hung on his chest. "Shiro buddy, we need you to come to the infirmary," Keith said, pulling his up. Shiro was so limp that his body weight pulled him down.

"What's the point Keith, she's dead" Shiro breathed.

"No don't give me that attitude. She's alive and we need to see her ASAP" Keith grunted, using all his might to have his brother on his feet to see his sister. Without another thought, he dragged him to the infirmary. Shiro lagged behind and Keith's heart bursts every time another second ticked by.

The pair burst into the room and Hannah was still breathing. "Keith, you came back" Hannah panted. Keith left Shiro and ran over to her side. "I thought you wouldn't make it" Hannah cried, tears rushing down her face. Keith bent over and rested his forehead against hers.

"I'm not going to leave you so you better not leave me" Keith whispered. Shiro heard your voice and rushed over to you.

"Hannah, are you all right?" Shiro asked.

"I'm good" Hannah answered, lying 100%. She could feel life slipping away by the second and she wanted to make this memorable. The two people she loved the most will be here in her last moments and she wanted to die while smiling. She sat up and pulled them into a hug. Her strength shocked the two. She waited and felt their warm embrace surround her. Then she felt someone kiss her on the forehead.

Hannah looked and saw that it was her brother finally accepting her. New tears rushed down her face. "I love you sis" Shiro whispered. 

"I love you too big brother" Hannah wept, squeezing the life away from her. Keith smiled when he finally saw their relationship mended.

"Ahem, Shiro can I have a moment with Hannah?" He awkwardly asked.

"She's still my sister, don't forget it" Shiro warned, glaring at Keith.

"I won't" Keith laughed. Keith slipped his hand around hers. "How long do you have?" Keith whispered. Hannah frowned and gazed at him solemnly.

"Not long" She answered.

"Can I-" Keith stopped and blushed. "Ireallydon'twanttorushthingsandseeingwhatsitationwer'rein-" Hannah rolled her eyes and halted Keith. "I guess I want to ask if I can kiss you," Keith said, restraining his fear.

"Of course" Hannah whispered. Keith leant forward and kissed her gently on the lips. His hand wrapped around her neck and her waist pulling her closer, tears were streaming down his face. Hannah cupped her hand on his wet cheek and wrapped her arm around his neck shedding her own terars.

Then he felt it. It finally clicked in. They both felt it. Hannah's voice rang with sobs, "I love you Keith and I'm sorry for doing this to you."

"I love you Hannah and that means I'll accept this and what happens afterwards without regret. I loved you then, now and I will continue to love you" He vowed.

Her lips parted to speak, but her tongue did not move. "If you're going to say that dying is going to stop me from living then stop," Keith said. Hannah's breath hitched. "Hannah I've loved you since I met you and because of that, you've helped me so much by finding out who I was and showing it to me."

"Keith I didn't do anything like that" Hannah protested.

"No you did, you came into my life and taught me how to love," Keith said, "I didn't think I was able to do that because of who I was, but then you came and I realised that this wasn't me. You showed me who I really was and how to achieve it by simply being you. I owe you more than just filling my life with your love."

"Keith," Hannah whispered. It was time and it was coming fast. "Then... I'll remember that" Hannah smiled, struggling to breathe.

"Hannah!" Shiro cried, rushing over to his sister.

"I love you both" Hannah whispered.

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