Keith x military - The Distance part 3

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I stood on the top of the castle with my staff in hand. Today's news hit me so hard that I wasn't sure how to react. A part of me wanted to leave with one of the pods and head straight to Zarkon to cut his head off, another told me to stay. There were only three Alteans left in the Galaxy and running headstrong into battle wouldn't do anything, but make matters worse. I sighed exasperatedly and stomped my staff onto the castle's peak. If these Paladins were chosen by their Lions then they were worthy and right now my job was to protect the Princess at all costs.


"Well, she's been taking the news well so far" Pidge frowned.

"Cayden's like this, just give her another day, or even half the day if she's willing to move on, and she'll be fine," Allura said.

"Something tells me it's going to cost another day for her to recover" Shiro commented.

"It probably will," Coran said, "just put you her in shoes. She's the captain of the guard and the daughter of one our most decorated generals. Her duty was to protect the princess and Altea and now she wakes up 10,000 years later to find that all she's ever known growing up is gone. Her entire race is gone and the enemy is winning," Coran said.

"And let's not forget that I'm part Galra, she's not going to be happy when I tell her," Keith said.

"Yeah, she's not going to like that" Pidge sighed.

"So are we going to do something?" Lance asked.

"We don't have any missions or distress calls at the moment so all we are doing is waiting for Cayden to recover" Shiro answered.


I didn't know what to do. I trained every day for a week and ignored everybody else. Allura and I would chat about the Paladins, talk about the castle's defences and even made a few modifications with Pidge. One Paladin that caught my eye was Keith. He was an excellent warrior and swordsman. We both got along quite well. When I found out that he was a Galra I wasn't phased by it for some reason. I didn't know why, but it was like I was drawn to him. I didn't know what this feeling was.

"Cayden?" Allura stood at the bedroom doorway.

"Princess Allura," I said. I bowed to her as she approached me with that warm smile.

"Cayden you don't need to do that anymore" Allura laughed.

"I know, but just to keep our culture alive, I'd like to continue it," I said.

"Cayden I know you're still recovering from the news about Altea, but maybe try to relax. The Paladins and I thought that possibly travelling to one of the planets we've liberated might help" Allura said. Allura's face was etched with hope and worry at the same time. I knew that she was my friend and the princess.

"Of course," I replied.

"You're not agreeing only because I'm the princess are you?" Allura frowned.

"No! Why would I think that?" I protested.

"Because you always used that excuse when we were children!" Allura shouted.

"Hey! You were the princess and don't deny that you did use your authority over me, especially with Thanos!" I retorted. Allura face dropped all expression and twisted back into a mischevious form.

"Thanos huh?" Allura smirked.

"Oh you are impossible" I sighed. "Don't forget Allura, Thanos is dead." I stared at the ground and balled my fist. "Excuse me. Oh, hey Keith" I walked out the door, past Keith and wandered the hallways of the castle.


"Is Cayden always like this?" Keith asked.

"I've never seen Cayden this depressed. She was always strong and even hard to herself. Her father was one of the most gentle and disciplined generals that we had. Cayden was well in following his footsteps" Allura answered.

"Can I ask you something?" Keith asked.

"Yes, of course," Allura answered.

"Who was Thanos?" Keith asked.

"Thanos was Cayden's... What you humans might refer to as her first crush" Allura answered. "She never enjoyed showing her personal feelings. When I found that Thanos shared the same feeling I waited for Thanos to take the first move. When he did, Cayden was flabbergasted at the sudden request for a date that very night. I had never see Cayden so nervous in her life, it was one of the most hilarious and entertaining things I had ever seen in my life" Allura laughed.

"So... What happened?" Keith asked.

"That night, Thanos treated her to dinner. By the end of that night, they both agreed that neither of them was ready for a relationship so they stayed close friends ever since" Allura answered.

"What does Cayden think about Thanos now?" Keith asked. 

"I'm not too sure about that Keith" Allura answered. "It seems like his name is like a Taboo word. In fact, I think that any mention of our home planet and its memories will remind her of any pleasant memories."

"I can't imagine what she's feeling right now," Keith said.

"It is a lot of pressure, but what I can't figure out is how I was able to recover from this faster than Cayden. I would have expected her to bounce back with energy to defeat Zarkon, but I don't recognise her anymore" Allura replied. "Also, there is one thing that I've noticed," Allura said. "She seems to admire you if it's not too much to ask, can you please spend a bit more time with her? I know it may be a large request, but I want to see if my friend is all right."

"Uh yeah..." Keith stammered. Allura frowned at Keith's reaction.

"Keith... Do you like Cayden?" Allura asked. Keith's expression scrunched up like a piece of paper. "Oh dear, I wonder if history is repeating itself" Allura chuckled.

Okay, guys, this is where I need your help, how should this mini love story end? Or put in other words, how should Keith and Cayden meet up to begin their love story? Should we involve the rest of the team, make it all come naturally or make it a bit of a cute comedy? Please post comments to help me with the idea because most of my writing energy is now going to a new book that I hopefully mess up. If some of you Vets can remember a single book that I took down because I thought it was going nowhere called the Hidden Watch, I am making a sequel before creating the actual book xD (I know, I'm crazy. I was born in January. Guess, most of the hoodies are correct xD)

Anyway, post how you think this should end and I will work on the requests you guys have made, sorry for the EXTREME delay. If you have made a request and still waiting please make sure to PM me some details so that I have more than a blank sheet to go with. Have a great day guys!

Cheerio! <3

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