Last Request Page

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Hey guys! As you know, I have been dead for quite some time. I have been studying at Uni and stuff which means that I am busy and get to have a one month holiday! I haven't been able to keep track of your requests so please post them here, if you don't put them here don't expect to have them done because I can't flick through 100+ one-shots looking for request and trying to figure out which ones I have and haven't done so I am giving you guys the responsibility of posting your requests.

As off this month, requests will be closed and I might have to put an ending to this book. Hopefully I'll be able to kick-start the thing back up, but I haven't watched Voltron in ages and time really isn't on my side. If you guys know any sites or places I can watch the episodes please suggest them to me (Make sure they're virus-free) so that I can continue to get inspired with new ideas. Have fun requesting!

Cheerio! <3

VLD Oneshots (Character x reader) ~ REQUESTS ARE CLOSED :'(Where stories live. Discover now