Keith x reader - (real) Haunted house

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Dark rooms, creaking wooden planks, and gloomy shadows weren't enough to scare you or Keith. You guys aced the entire thing. As you explored further your soft footsteps were accompanied by loud squeaks from the weak boards.

"Careful!" Keith exclaimed, pulling you back as you were about to take a step.

"Hey!" You gasped, "What gives Keith?" You questioned. Keith raised and brow and stomped the floor board you were about to step on. The second Keith touched the board it gave way and broke into two leaving sharp edges sticking out, ready to spill any blood. Your eyes widen, but only slightly. "Thanks" You whispered.

"Your welcome" Keith replied, taking care in where he stepped.

Keith took the lead checking where it was safe to tread. You followed behind, holding the torch for Keith. "I can't believe the residents on this planet think this place is haunted" Keith scoffed.

"Ha! According to them, we should have been killed by something an hour ago" You added, venturing deeper into the depths of the house.

Keith stopped for a second and gestured you to bring the light further down. You raised the torch higher so you could give a direct line of light to Keith. "(y/n) are you seeing this?" Keith asked, examining something on the ground.

"No," You replied, unable to see past Keith.

"Come here," Keith beckoned you with his hand and pointed to where he was looking. You bent down and saw series of scratches and dried patches of blood.

"Looks like a cat" You commented, running your fingers down the scratches.

"You mean a big cat" Keith corrected, "Normal cats usually can't dig deep into the wood.

"Unless the wood is really old and worn like it is now" You added.

"Okay, I can't argue with that" Keith agreed. The house started creaking and groaning all around.

"Was it windy when we came inside?" You asked.

Keith looked back at where the door should have been and answered, "It's been a while since we came here" Keith said, shrugging the matter off.

"Yeah..." You replied, staring into the darkness. "Do you know what time is it?" You asked.

"Uh... I'd say around 5pm" Keith answered.

"Well, I think we should get back before dark," You said, getting up. 

"Someone's afraid of spending the night in a haunted house" Keith smirked.

"Keith!" You whined. "I was supposed to help Pidge with an experiment after this and if I'm late she's going to rant" You reasoned, placing your hand on your hip.

"Whatever," Keith sighed, still keeping that smug grin on his face.

"You and that smug grin on your face" You sighed, turning to head for the exit. Keith chuckled behind you as he trailed behind you.

"Wait (y/n)" Keith halted, pulling on your shoulder to halt.

"What?" You asked, not doubting his instincts this time.

"Do you hear that?" Keith asked, inclining his ear. You stopped and focused on any sounds around you.

"I don't hear anything," You answered.

"Something's walking around us," Keith said, readying his bayard.

"And of course, you brought your bayard" You sighed, facepalming your forehead. Keith grumbled a few things that you couldn't make out, but you grinned nonetheless.

You two waited in suspense for something to happen. For a while, nothing happened. No gleaming red, yellow or green eyes, no shadows and no voices. Just the wind and creaking floor boards.

"Are you sure you're not getting scared Keith?" You asked dully.

"Trust me I heard something!" Keith said firmly.

"I trust you, but not your instincts," You said, crossing your arms. "Come on Keith" You pulled Keith by the collar almost dragging him out the house. 

Keith murmured something about you not trusting you or maybe a cat with a yarn... Either way! You had no idea what he said. As you approached the door you let go of Keith and turned the knob. Only... The knob wasn't turning.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me!" You growled, turning the knob the other way.

"Little girly hands can't open a door?" Keith sniggered.

"Okay, now that's just plain mean" You scowled.

"Here let me try" Keith stepped in. Keith had a go at it and as you expected the 'man' couldn't even make the knob budge.

"Your little boy hands can't open a door?" You asked, mimicking Keith's voice.

"Okay, okay I admit," Keith said, lifting his hands in surrender, "The door's stuck."

"Barge the door down in three?" You asked, tucking your torch away.

"Okay I'll take the left side you take the right side" Keith instructed, walking to the left, bracing himself for impact.

"Three... Two... One!" You counted down. The two of you barged the door down/broke through it and came out the other side. A few bits of the door came along with you scratching your arms as you and Keith slammed onto the ground.

"Hey!" A familiar voice cried out.

"Lance?" Keith exclaimed, moving piles of debris from under him. You slowly sat up, rubbing the side of your head. Your head hit something hard on your way out and you were feeling slightly light headed. Keith, found Lance on the floor wearing a black cloak and white mask on his face.

"Hi guys" Lance nervously chuckled.

"What are you supposed to be?" You asked, groaning slightly.

"Uh I planned to scare you two on your way out, but I didn't expect the door to come raining down on me.

"Oh," You said bluntly.

"Well was fun wasn't it" Keith smiled.

"Not really" You answered honestly. Keith gave you a blunt look of disappointment. 

Funny story. While I was writing this it was completely quiet in the house and I was getting a little into the scary mode because I was listening to music and then I heard a loud Cockatoo screech suddenly and the back of my hair stood up. -_- Not funny! (Well... Maybe it is)

Cheerio! <3

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