Pidge and reader - Friends

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Requested by Diamond_Fangirl

"Pidge!!" You screamed. Right after the rescue mission for Allura something had struck the wormhole that caused all five lions to separate from the Castle of Lions. "Allura we need to find them!" You exclaimed, grabbing Allura by the shoulder.

"(y/n), we don't-" Allura studdered, still shaken from the event.

"No!" You screamed, running over to the bridge's controls.

You furiously typed all sorts of commands tracing anything from heat signatures to the unique energy pulses from the Lions, especially Pidge's Lion. Pidge was your best friend. The thought of losing her in a wormhole scared you. Not only was it going to be hard for you to find her, but you lost her in space! That means limited oxygen and no food or water unless you travel to a habitable planet where Galras or other ferocious species may reside.

"No," You cried, hanging your head after trying all you could to find any signs of Pidge or the others.

Allura and Coran watched you from a distance. Allura was weeping in her guilt while Coran did all he could to comfort her. He would say 'It wasn't your fault' or 'we couldn't have known that this might happen,' but it was her fault. It was her fault. If she just dragged Shiro into the pod and escaped before then she wouldn't have been captured and they might all still be together, alive.

A tear dripped from your eye. The deafening sound of your tear smacking against the bridge's floor sliced through the silence. "How could you?" You growled, turning to Allura.

"What?" Allura gasped.

"Pidge, my friend is gone. Keith, Lance, Shiro and Hunk are gone and it's all because of you!! YOU are the reason why this happened! YOU are a reason why this mission failed! YOU! ...Are the reason why I have lost my best friend" You cried, fighting against the urge to burst into tears. What held you together was the raging anger and hatred inside of you. It was what kept you from breaking.

Your hand graciously moved towards a pistol that you kept at your side. "(y/n)?" Allura's eyes widened.

"What are you doing?" Allura asked.

"Oh, you know exactly what I'm doing" You snarled.

"Wait!" Coran shouted, stepping in between Allura and the pistol.

Too late, the bullet fired.

Allura and Coran froze.

The bullet missed, it had cut off a bit of Allura's hair and drilled into the wall behind Allura.

"I hate you" You growled. You walked, pistol in hand and rammed your shoulder into Allura's.

One week... Nothing

One month... Nothing

One year... Nothing

For ages, you searched the stars looking for your best friend. It was your life's mission. And you weren't going to stop until you found the only person who could relate to you. The only person who stuck with you at the garrison. The only person who understood you. The only person who would be your friend to the very end.

"I'll find you Pidge. I promise"

VLD Oneshots (Character x reader) ~ REQUESTS ARE CLOSED :'(Where stories live. Discover now