Lance x reader - Distracted by love

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You knew that should be studying, but when he was over, you couldn't keep your eyes on the paper. Note to self, never study with Lance ever again, unless you want to waste time together. Whenever you tried to study or at least try to get Lance to study, he would just kiss you and you'd be so flushed that you kissed him back.

The first time he kissed was on the cheek. You had only managed to organise the books and study material until he kissed you again but on the corner of the lips. You were frustrated at both his teasing and his attempts to stop you from studying. You turned to tell him off when he kissed you on the lips. 'Cheeky miser' You thought. You were already lost, but your mind snapped back to reality when someone banged on the door.

You jerked at the noise and bumped your head against Lance's forehead. "Ouch," Both of you grimaced. "Come in," You said, rubbing your forehead. The door opened to reveal your little sibling. The innocent child peaked his head through the door. "What is it (s/n)?" You asked.

"Mum told me that I had to study with you because they're doing something to my room" (s/n) answered.

"Can't you study downstairs?" You asked.

"Nope!" (s/n) smiled, inviting himself/herself in. He/she brought her school bag and piled his/her homework on my desk. "Can I use the desk?" (s/n) asked, looking back over his/her shoulder with an innocent and pleading look.

"One more evil look like that and you're studying out in the backyard" You warned, hating that smug grin on your sibling's face.

"That's not a bad idea actually" (s/n) muttered, placing his/her hand on his/her school bag.

"Really?" You asked, a bit too hopeful than you wanted.

"Actually nah, it's air conditioned here and it's really hot outside" (s/n) said aloud. You internally groaned and frowned. Lance didn't seem too phased about it.

"Sorry," You mouthed.

"It's okay," He replied. "Now, you were going on about history?" Lance said aloud.

"Yeah," You answered, returning your attention to your books.

For the next two hours, you managed to get something things done. Thanks to your sibling staying around, you managed to learn and review a few things. When the time hit 5 pm you knew that it was time for Lance to go.

"Time for me to go" Lance smiled, slinging his backpack over. You smiled, getting up from your bed.

"Maybe next time we should go the library with everyone else" You suggested, "We might be able to actually get some work done because (s/n) won't always be here."

"Ew! You know I'm still here!" (s/n) cried.

"Well you're not going to be here in two seconds," You said.

"You're right, I'm outer here!" (s/n) ran out of the room and fled.

You and Lance had a laugh when your sibling was finally gone. "I lied," Lance admitted.

"About what?" You gasped, wondering how big the lie was. Lance motioned to his watch and your clock. Lance's watch said 5:15 pm while your clock said 4:32 pm. "Twenty-eight minutes left" You noted.

"Actually twenty-seven" Lance smirked, fixing his watch.

"I hate it when that happens" You groaned.

"So what shall we do with the next twenty-seven minutes?" Lance asked.

I didn't continue this because I did say that I didn't do lemons. Believe me guys, I wanted to write one, but as a girl of my word, I didn't. Also, for those who enjoy reading lemons, there are readers who don't like them. But there are plenty of other Voltron one-shot books that have lemons. I cannot recall which books they are and their authors, but believe me, there are books out there.

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