Pidge and reader (Friendly) - Hurting part 2

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Inspired by @DixieThorn

As soon as I walked out Pidge's door the soft sound of sniffling slowly crept out of the walls of Pidge's room. I immediately rushed back only to be greeted by a closed door. I bit my lip wondering if I should go back in. Pidge thinks I'm gone and knowing her, she doesn't like being caught off-guard with her emotions. I stressed in between the decisions of intervening now or getting someone like Shiro for backup.

'Never put off what can be done today tomorrow'

I breathed in deeply, calming myself before opening the door. When the door slid open Pidge didn't move and continued her weeping. I took this as a positive sign. She either didn't hear or notice me yet or didn't mind me coming in. I stepped carefully towards Pidge presuming that she hasn't noticed me yet.

Pidge was bent over on her desk, burying her face in her folded arms. I quietly laid a gentle hand on her shoulder, slowly lowering my weight on her. Pidge didn't react and I laid my hand on her and only felt more guilty for not noticing her pain earlier.

I looked over to her desk and saw the photograph of her and her brother slightly sticking out from under her folded arms.

"Pidge," I said, breaking the silence in my mouth. "I know you miss your family and that you're worried about them," I said warmly. I cringed silently wondering if I was doing more harm than good by speaking. "But we're with you Pidge" I heartened. "We're your family as well and that means that no matter what happens, we're going to help you find your father and brother and get them back to you" I promised.

Pidge stopped crying and only soft gasps and whimpers escaped her folded arms. I stared at the hand you placed on Pidge's shoulder wondering if I should take my hand off or keep it on. "Do you want a hug?" I blurted out. Pidge didn't answer and quickly leaped towards me squeezing me in a hug.

I was surprised, being caught off-guard, but relaxed and hugged her back, "I promise Pidge, we're going to bring save your father and brother. I swear it."

*Carefully peeps out from behind Shiro. "Am I forgiven after traumatizing some people because I made Pidge cry?"

"Why do you always hide behind me?!" Shiro asks/shouts

"Because you're the oldest one here!!!!" I scream

"Ahem... I'm over a thousand years old" Allura and Coran cough.

"0_0... Oh... Well... Shiro's a better fighter than the two of you combined!"

Cheerio! <3

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