Shiro x Altean - Not about me

Start from the beginning

"I've been trying to calm those two down the whole time, you take care of it," Keith said. Your eye twitched.

"He's ready?" You said, mocking Shiro's statement. You took a deep breath and looked at Hunk and Pidge.


Shiro woke up from his nap, surprised to hear that the castle was quiet. He frowned. His mind started to become paranoid. If the team wasn't loud making a racket then they were in trouble! They're always fighting if they're not captured so if they're quiet, they must be captured! Shiro hurried up but saw you on the other side of the couch sleeping. He looked at you quizzically, you never take naps unless you were exhausted.

Shiro walked outside and looked for anyone and ran into Keith. "Keith, what happened? Why is (y/n) suddenly taking a nap?" Shiro asked.

"Uh, she took care of Pidge and Hunk then started helping out around the castle. She said that you were tired and needed a rest so she took your place instead" Keith answered.

"Really?" Shiro gasped.

"Yeah, you're lucky to have her Shiro, she's really one of a kind," Keith said. He pat him on the shoulder and continued to walk down the hallways. Shiro thought for a second and returned to the living room. You were still sleeping when he carried you bridal style to your room and set you to bed.


The next few days were like was like this day on repeat. Shiro was still tired so you took it upon yourself to officially take Shiro's place until he recovered. You always brought him food, water and some hug as well as encouragements when he needed it before setting off to solve the next problem with the team.

Finally, Shiro felt like he had been on the sidelines for too long and decided to step in. He didn't have to walk far, he could hear Keith and (y/n) shouting at each other from the other side of the castle.

"(y/n) you should take a break!" Keith said.

"I do not! I am perfectly fine right now" You replied.

"You were about to throw Pidge across the room if I hadn't stepped in. (y/n) you're overworking yourself" Keith argued.

"I am not! Besides, I can't just sit on the sidelines doing nothing while you are murdering each other. You are all a team, why can't you face that?" You cried.

"That's because they think of each other as a family, and as everyone knows, a family is one of the hardest groups of people to be at peace with," Shiro said, walking into the room.

"Shiro, what are you doing here?" You exclaimed.

"I'm feeling a lot better so I decided to step in where I'm needed," Shiro said.

"Are you sure you're okay?" You asked.

"I'm okay, but you're not. You should think for yourself a little more (y/n)" Shiro said.

"How can you say that?" You exclaimed.

"I'm not asking you to be selfish! I'm asking for you to take care of yourself" Shiro answered. "Please, if not for you then please do it for me" Shiro begged. His face was filled with concern. You replied sorrowfully. You were never the one to be thinking about yourself.

"This matter isn't about me, the Paladins of Voltron need to work together as a team and since you were not around, I had to do something!" You protested.

"And you have, but now that I'm back, I'm asking you to step down and think about yourself" Shiro stepped forward and kissed you on your forehead. "I'm asking for you to take care of yourself and stop thinking about other people for at least one day so that you can recover," Shiro said. You sighed and looked at him. He really did want you to take a break and you could feel him begging.

"All right Shiro" You replied. Shiro tilted your head up with his hand.

"Hey, I love you, okay?" Shiro smiled.

"I love you too Shiro," You said.

"Got get some rest" Shiro whispered. You nodded and walked out the room hearing Shiro talking to the team like he usually did. You felt guilty walking out on the situation knowing that it was going to be another exhausting day, but you also wanted to make sure that you granted Shiro's wish so you willed yourself to your room and decided to sleep.

For the first time in days, you had a long sleep when you had no dreams whatsoever. It was a peaceful rest. When you woke up, you noticed that your body position had moved. A tray of food was placed on your bedside table. You shuffled over onto your belly and reached out to a note that was folded on the corner of the tray.

Good morning (y/n),

You slept for so long that I didn't want to wake you. I hope you had a great sleep. I asked for the others to help and they made you breakfast. If you come out, Hunk is also working on some lunch. We all want to thank you for helping us out even though we were all a handful for the past two weeks. I also want to ask you something when you come out... I hope you say yes

Love Shiro

You gasped when you read the letter and quickly changed to one of the nicest gowns you had while munching on your breakfast and rushed out to the kitchen where you Hunk working on lunch. 

"Morning (y/n), are you looking for Shiro?" Hunk grinned.

"Yes, do you know where he is?" You asked.

"I sure do, he's in the living room" Hunk giggled.

"Thank you!" You quickly rushed out the kitchen and into the living room where Lance was sitting.

"Hey (y/n), what's up?" Lance smirked.

"Lance! Do you know where Shiro is?" You asked.

"I sure do! He's in the docking bay" Lance answered.

"Thank you," you said. You ran to the docking bay where Pidge was, working on Shiro's lion.

"Pidge! Is Shiro here?" You called out. Pidge peered over from the top of the head of the Black Lion.

"No! He's with Keith on the bridge!" Pidge answered.

"Are you sure?" You yelled. You heard Pidge giggled.

"He's actually in the dining room, do you want me to come with you?" Pidge asked.

"Sure, why not?" You replied. Pidge jumped off the Black Lion and slowly descended to the ground with her jetpack. You two walked toward the dining room. You began to notice that the hallway lights began to dim into a more prestige colour. It was almost blue, but green at the same time. The lights almost looked like a gemstone. "This... This is my favourite colour!" You gasped.

"Well, one of your favourite colours, right?" Pidge grinned.

"Y-yes, it is!" You replied.

"Good!" Pidge smiled. You followed Pidge to the dining room where Lance, Keith, Coran, Allura and Hunk were all stood with Shiro in the middle. He looked nervous, almost matted with sweat.

"Did you get the letter?" Shiro asked.

"Yes, and the breakfast" You smiled.

"Okay," Shiro blew out his cheeks and nervously got on one knee. "(y/n), will you marry me?" Shiro asked. Your heart burst.  Your mind just shocked itself and your body went still. You wondered if you had any doubts. He felt like the one and you had never met any other man like Shiro. He was dependable, kind, compassionate and the most wonderful leader. You knew that he would be a man worthy of a husband.

You nodded your head and smiled the brightest you had ever smiled in your entire life. "Yes, Shiro, I will marry you" you answered. Everyone cheered loudly. Shiro produced a small ring and slid it into your engagement finger and rose up to kiss you sweetly. Allura squealed when you two kissed. You blushed when you heard your older sister celebrating.

"Yeah, Shiro! You're da man!" Lance whooped. You could feel Shiro's cheek also heating up. Pidge awed when she saw you to blushing and took a photo, jumping up and down like a chipmunk when she saw the photo.

"Let the wedding preparations begin!" Coran cheered.

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