Lance x Neko reader - Nine Tales

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"Oh my gosh you're such a baby when you want to argue" You growled. At that moment, Hunk, Pidge and Keith walked into the room.

"Guys! Tell me that (y/n) is wrong!" Lance ordered.

"(y/n) is wrong?" Hunk asked.

"No! That does not count because he didn't know what this was about!" You argued.

"Still he said it! Ha!" Lance taunted. You growled and flicked your head towards Pidge and Keith.

"Who's side are you guys going to be on?" You asked.

"They're sides?" Keith asked.

"I'll go for (y/n), you go for Lance deal?" Pidge whispered.

"What? No way am I going to vote for Lance, you vote for him!" Keith whispered harshly. You smirked while your ears twitched along with their conversation.

"What? What are they saying?" Lance asked.

"They're both siding with me" I grinned.

"What?!" Lance sobbed.

"It's okay buddy," Shiro smiled, walking over to Lance. Tears gushed down Lance's face dramatically, quickly filling the room with salty water.

"Ew this is disgusting," You said, poking your tongue out.

"What is this about anyway?" Keith asked.

"Lance reckons it's my fault that he's scratched because I reacted to him tickling me" I answered.

"Well that's not your fault, Lance started it," Keith said.

"Well, it all depends on where you're coming from. They're both biased to their own opinion and this debate is really pointless because both sides are evenly matched. It all depends on whether you think the person who started it was the person at guilt or the one that ruined it in the middle" Pidge said, sliding her glasses further up her nose.

"She's got a point guys, this debate doesn't really have a means to an end. You might as well drop this" Shiro said.

"Fine, I'll drop the debate" You groaned.

"Thank you," Shiro smiled.

"It's only because Lance is crying his eyes out," You said, blowing your cheeks out.

"Paladins!" Allura cried, running into the room. Allura suddenly slipped into the room, falling into the puddle of tears. "Ew! What is this?" Allura exclaimed.

"Lance's tears," Keith said bluntly.

"This is disgusting, only Coran with his old man's sweat would be able to produce this much liquid" Allura commented.

"Oh, that was very offensive!" Coran cried, stomping his foot outside the door.

"Sorry Coran" Allura apologised.

"It's no problem princess, I must accept the fact that I'm old... And useless" Coran sobbed.

"Oh no he's going to cry, everyone run before this room fills up like the Pacific Ocean!" Pidge shrieked, rushing out the room.

"What's the Pacific Ocean?" You, your brother and Allura asked. The room was quickly submerged with tears by the time you barely made it out. Your mouth dropped to the floor when you saw the room completely watered to the brim. You didn't know what to say. The door was closed, but you could see Coran literally swimming in that room like a depressed fish. It was... Not something you see every day.

"All this for getting old?" You asked. Coran suddenly screamed with his muffled voice and cried even more.

"I guess you haven't heard the time when we first found out that Coran had the case of the old bones" Keith shivered.

"Yes! Or the tale about Keith and Lance getting stuck in the elevator!" Pidge cried.

"Oh! What about the time when you and I got stuck in zero G!" Hunk asked, pointing to Pidge.

"Oh don't remind me, curse my short arms!" Pidge grunted. Everyone burst into laughter and started recounting stories about one another and embarrassed everyone individually with simple stories about their past adventures. Unfortunately, your brother thought it was funny to tell your stories about when you were little and extremely clumsy. You hated it, but you also loved it because You were resting in Lance's lap listening in detail to every story. You were purring while he was playing with your hair. Until he accidentally brushed past your ear.

"Hey! Don't start this again" You snapped, snatching your ears away.

"Ouch!" Lance exclaimed.

VLD Oneshots (Character x reader) ~ REQUESTS ARE CLOSED :'(Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz