Sendak x reader - Transfer part 1

Start from the beginning

"Uh hi, who are you?" You asked.

"Name's Shiro, you're the new transfer student right?" Shiro asked.

"That's right," You answered.

"That's awesome, where did you come from?" Shiro asked.

"From (y/c)" You answered.

"That's awesome, heard that it's a nice place" Shiro smiled.

"It definitely has its own beauty and upsides" You replied.

"Hey is that our poster?" Shiro said, pointing at the piece of paper in your hand.

"Yeah, I found it in my locker. Do you by any chance know who put it in?" You asked.

"Probably someone in our team, it says 'us' right there" Shiro chuckled.

You laughed at his response, "Okay, seeing as you said 'our team' I'm guessing that you're a part of the basketball team."

"Hey! She's learning" Shiro jested.

"I'm at school, I'm here to learn things" You smiled.

Shiro laughed. "So," He said, leaning on his closed locker. "Are you considering watching us practice?" Shiro asked.

"You're the one who put this in my locker aren't you?" You remarked.

"I guess you'll never know" Shiro smirked, "But I could tell you if I see you at practice."

"I could come, but would watching a bunch of guys playing basketball keep me in a hot and sweaty gym for a couple of hours?" You challenged.

"You could learn while we practice. Coach could explain the rules and maybe even teach you a few things" Shiro answered.

"Don't you think that a non-player, who is a girl, would be considered a distraction to the team?" You questioned.

"I can keep the boys in line" Shiro replied.

"Team captain huh?" You asked.

"That's me" Shiro answered.

"Maybe I'll come then" You smiled.

"Great" Shiro smiled, walking away from the lockers. You were left with an impression that your first day at VHS wasn't going to be too bad.


The bustling cafeteria crowded with students buying or opening their lunch. You sat in a solitary area, drifting from the other students. No one had approached you yet and 1:30 was nearing the corner. Apparently, this school had a free period. You wondered if you wanted to go. It was really just guys playing basketball. A sport that required tall people.

A loud group of guys broke the silence of your time of solitude. You recognised them. It was the group of guys that you saw at the front of the school. One of the guys was noticeably taller than the rest and bit more attractive. A subtle streak of purple hair was lined across the side of his head. None of the other guys had coloured hair. You raised a brow at the contrast of him and his friends.

You could have sworn that one of the guys was staring at you as you looked away. You looked back to confirm, but they were gone. You quickly scanned around for them, but only crowd of people were in view from where you were. You sighed and disappointment and went on to eat your lunch.


At 1:30, you were at the gym watching Shiro and the others play basketball. For the first few minutes, you were drawn into how skilled their movements were. They had such communication that even the slightest wave of the hand or nod meant a hundred different things all at once. You admired that trait and watched as the ball gracefully moved from one player to the other. Coach pulled you to the front bleachers and filled you in later about the rules and the basic terms that needed to be explained in order to fully understand the game. To these boys, it seemed like basketball was their way of life. They put their all into it, probably more than they did for their studies. Their energy and effort was scribbled all over their faces. Hardened looks of concentration were universally spread across the room.

VLD Oneshots (Character x reader) ~ REQUESTS ARE CLOSED :'(Where stories live. Discover now