Somewhere in the Earth Kingdom, on a river I think...

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"You guys are gonna be done soon, right?" Sokka called out lazily as he drifted past on a giant leaf with Momo curled on his stomach. "We've got a lot of ground to cover if we want to make it to Omashu today."
Aang and Katara practised their waterbending while I was meditating, doing the breathing thing Jeong Jeong had me do last time.
"In... Out... In... Out... now was it In again? Or out again? or was it hold? I forget..."
"What? Like you're ready to go right now, naked guy?" Katara retorted to her brother. "And Mogui, it was out and in."
"Two outs? Oh, wait... Now I'm suffocating... I think I need to breathe in again...."
"I can be ready in two minutes," Sokka responded, lifting his long hair out of his face. "Seriously, whenever."
"So you were showing me the octopus form?" Aang and Katara resumed their training, and grinning, I closed my eyes and focused on the heat from the sun.

There was soon some splashing, and I tried to ignore the water that landed on me as a practice in discipline when the sound of music and off-key singing reached our ears.
"Don't fall in love with a travelling girl. She'll leave you broke and broken-hearted...." Someone sang, and soon we saw some hippy looking people dancing and swaying as they walked down the path.
Sokka, who hadn't been paying attention, fell into the water with a loud yell and a splash.

"Hey-hey!" One of them called out cheerfully. "River-people!"
Katara shook her head, smiling slightly. "We're not river-people."
"You're not?" he asked, surprised and frowning in confusion. "Then what kind of people are you?"
"Just...people," Aang responded, shrugging.
"Aren't we all, brother?" The man said cheerfully again. "Whoo~"

Sokka approached, and I shifted to look at them since I was sitting on the bank where they were now.
"Who are you?" He demanded suspiciously.
"I'm Chong, this is my wife Lily," the surfer-dude said, indicating a woman with her hair done up with a big flower. "We're nomads. Happy to go wherever the wind takes us!"
He riffed his guitar, and his voice was completely off-key from the notes he plays.
"You guys are nomads?" Aang asked excitedly. "That's great! I'm a nomad!"
"Hey! Me too!" Chong said slowly, in a dumb manner.
"I know... you just said that..." Funny how the charm wears off when you're forced to communicate with stupid.
"Uh, I think they're a different kind of nomad, Aang," I said, grinning at his enthusiasm.
"Oh..." Chong suddenly stared at Sokka's underwear. "Nice underwear!"

Sokka grabbed Momo and put him between him and the nomads, carefully maneuvering away to get his clothes.
"Haha!" I laughed, falling over backwards as Sokka shot me an annoyed look.

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