Upon Appa's Back

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We flew to the city in record time. I noticed a trail of dust rushing in the same direction.

"So, what kind of trouble is Katara in?" Sokka asked, sounding kind of anxious.

"Oh, you know," I waved a hand. "Probably just the regular, death-defying, murderous villain type of danger."

"I don't know," Aang confessed, sounding slightly worried. "In my vision, I just knew she needed help."

"It would be nice if your Avatar powers could be just a little more specific from time to time," Sokka really was worried.

"Oh, she'll be fine!" I grinned. 

They turned to look at me as if I were crazy. "Muteki would have to be killed or beaten senseless before he'd let anything happen to our gals."

The trail of dust rumbled, and Sokka finally realized that it was there.

"What is that?!"

"I think it's a mad Earthbender who recently got dumped, so they are going to take out their anger on the next bad guy they find," I shrugged nonchalantly.

"Let's find out," Aang said, bringing Appa down.

It turns out it was a mad Earthbender... Toph was riding two boulder mounds the same way I would go Ice Skating. It was pretty amusing to watch.

"Need a ride?" Sokka called out.

Toph must have been surprised by the sudden appearance of a disembodied voice because she came to a stop after several flips and tumbles. It looked painful. We all grimaced as she pulled herself up, glaring at us.

But if she's here... where's Muteki?

... Oh no...   

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