Getting somewhere at last!

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We had Jet sitting on a stool inside his apartment. The others were all staring at him suspiciously, but I've seen Winter Soldier.

It's not really Jet's fault if he is brainwashed. Jin and Mogui seemed to be of the same mindset as me, as they stared at him with more pity than suspicion.

"The Dai Li must have sent Jet to mislead us, and that janitor was part of their plot too," Katara said. "Argh, Muteki was right. They're trying to get us out of the city!"

"Thank you," I said sarcastically. "Next time, don't give me lip when I give my input."

Katara sighed and nodded. "Sorry, we really should have listened."

"I bet Appa is still in the city then," Mogui said, rubbing his chin.

"Maybe they took him where they took Jet," Aang suggested, looking over at Jet. "Where did they take you?"

"Nowhere," Jet had his head hanging low, completely confused as he looked up at us. "I... I don't know what you're talking about."

"We need to find a way to jog his memories," Aang said.

Oh! In that one movie, the guy had his memories returned through an emotional reaction.

"He needs a strong emotional reaction to something with meaning to him," I said, folding my arms.

"Like if Katara was to kiss him?" Sokka suggested.

"Maybe Sokka could kiss him," Katara snapped back.

"Hey, it was an idea," Mogui defended Sokka.

"A bad one," Aang grumped.

"Oo, wait," Sokka said, plucking a straw from the mattress. "I got it."

He stuck it into Jet's mouth and stared at him thoughtfully.

"What exactly was that going to accomplish?" I asked, sighing at the randomness of it all.

"He always had a stupid thing in his mouth like that," Mogui said.

"I don't think it's working," Jet said, spitting out the straw.

"If you two don't stop coming up with stupid ideas, I'll have both of you kiss him," Jin snapped.

"Hey, woah!" Mogui said. "Feels like we're the only ones coming up with anything."

"Muteki said something highly emotional, right?" Toph said. "So think of something that triggers your emotions."

"So now we want to trigger people?" Mogui frowned, then yelped as Jin smacked him upside the head.

"The Fire Nation," Smellerbee said. "Remember what they did to your family."

"Close your eyes," Katara said. "Picture it."

Jet closed his eyes, and after a few seconds, he began to sweat profusely.

"Is that supposed to happen?" Mogui whispered to Sokka, who shrugged.

Jet opened his eyes with a startled cry, his eyes filled with horror as he drooped in exhaustion.

"I can't," he gasped, shaken. "It's too painful."

Katara stepped forward, bending some water from inside her pouch and held it to his head.

"Maybe this will help."

He closed his eyes again, his mouth moving silently as he relived something or other. About what I expected, really. The guy from that movie reacted the same way to remembering. Pretty sure Amaya was up in arms about how he looked so heartbroken and something about him just needing a hug. Wait... she said that about all the bad guys in pretty much every movie. Clearly, she had a thing for those types, considering her current company...


I blinked and saw Jin staring at me with a strange look on her face.


"You have this weird grin on your face," she said suspiciously. "What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing, nothing..."

Before she could press for more information, Jet opened his eyes again.

"They took me to a headquarters under the water, like a lake," Jet said tentatively.

"Wait!" Sokka said, snapping his fingers. "Remember what Joo Dee said? She said she went on vacation to Lake Laogai!"

"That's it!" Jet said, jumping to his feet. "Lake Laogai!"

"Well," I said, cracking my knuckles. "That's a real lead!"

Jin grinned at me, and Mogui struck his palm with his fist. "What're we hanging around here for?"  

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