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A/N: Sorry about the long pause. I've been away with my brother (Who I haven't seen for 2.5 years), so I have no time to post. Also, I got work now :D so, yeah, even less writing will get done by me. (Sorry, guys!)

We'd been on the road for some time now. I was beginning to wonder if poor Mangy could handle carrying old Iroh plus myself and Zuko, so I decided to walk. The two gents protested, but I was getting a sore butt from sitting all day. Most uncomfortable. Sore feet are preferable. But not, sore feet, sore eyes, and sore tum-tum from lack of food.

"Argh," I groaned from my spot by Mangy's head. "I'm bored!"

Mangy made a weird hissing noise, and before either of the other two could respond to me, I responded to the bird-horse-thing.

"Let's do something, Mangy! What are you doing? Walking?"

Mangy cawed back.

"Yeah! What's wrong with Mangy?"

"Amaya?" Zuko was, naturally, ignored.

Mangy made a clicky noise.

"Yeah! Mangy!"


"Dude, you know I don't have time for pauses. My brain goes too fast for that," I answered flippantly. "What, Zuko?"

"Are you...talking to the ostrich horse?"

"...Yes, yes I am...Hey, what's that?" I pointed off in the distance at what could just be made out as the edge of a desert.

"A desert," Iroh answered cheerfully.

"Cool, let's not," I answered just as cheerfully. "Onwards minions!"

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