That was a rollercoaster of emotions and I want off

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A/N: I really liked this song, so I decided to add it here since I was listening to it while I wrote this and like the chapter, whew that was is a rollercoaster of feels.  Love it.  Anyway, as you were :D

Iroh was cooking at the stove, some goopy-looking stuff he called "jook", which I thought sounded appropriate. Smelled alright. Sadly, I had this thing where if food looked unappealing, it made me feel a little sick. Smells too. Something could look amazing, but if it didn't smell nice, I was put off.

I'm probably very weird, but I've learned to embrace it.

So there I was, busily sewing a torn shirt - I'm a clutz if you hadn't noticed, so my clothes occasionally required repair. Thankfully, I know how to sew. Anyway. Me - sewing, maybe also singing. Iroh - Cooking, humming along. All caught up? Excellent.

So in comes a very groggy but somewhat awake Zuko. He's looking a little better. There's some healthy colour in his cheeks, and his lips don't look pale. I think his fever broke earlier this morning, but he only now felt well enough to walk around.

"What's that smell?" he said blearily, wandering over to the stove.

"It's jook..." Iroh said doubtfully. "I'm sure you wouldn't like it. Amaya has already expressed her dislike of it, based on its appearance."

"Hey!" I retorted, setting down the needle and thread. "You make me sound so shallow."

He chuckled as Zuko leaned over the pot. Iroh stepped back while Zuko took a deep breath.

"Actually, it smells delicious," Zuko said pleasantly, picking up and then holding out a bowl to Iroh. "I'd love a bowl, Uncle."

"Now that your fever is gone, you seem different somehow," Iroh said suspiciously, ladling some jook into the bowl.

"You could just take it as "grateful to finally be well again," you know," I pointed out, picking up my needle and thread, and resumed fixing the tear.

Hold on. This is Iroh's shirt. I thought there was something weird about this dress... Well, I guess it's actually a shirt.

"It's a new day," Zuko chuckled. "We've got a new apartment, new furniture, and today's the grand opening of your new tea shop. Things are looking up, Uncle."

"And done," I said as Zuko joined me at the table. 

 I held up the shirt to inspect my handy work.

"And Amaya has fixed your shirt," Zuko said lightly, sipping his jook and then looking out the open window nearby with a faraway smile on his face.

"That she has," Iroh said softly.

I looked between them with a half-smile before standing up and stretching.

"Right, I need to head over to the market," I said, grabbing my purse as I went. "There are a few things we're missing, and I crave sweet foods."

"I'll go with you," Zuko said, preparing to set down his bowl.

"No, no," I said, waving him off as I pulled my hair into a ponytail. "You just got over a terrible fever. Rest for a bit before the grand opening. Iroh went out and got you some pretty swanky looking clothes."

"Amaya," Iroh said, walking over to me with some more money. "You should find something nice and come to the grand opening. We might not have survived this long without you and your bending."

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