Onward, ever onward!

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So, Aang led us down a cliff, which was actually a path, as it turns out. Dang, I wish I had a mountain bike right about now. Hold on! My feet are wet!

The group stopped behind Aang and me as the path sloped down into the lake, disappearing only to reemerge roughly a hundred meters away.

"We going, or nah?" I asked, glancing around at the group.

"How?" Ying asked, defeat in her voice.

"Ma'am, might I remind you that you are, in fact, in the presence of the one and only Avatar and his fetching waterbending master?" I responded. "Not to mention, our esteemed earthbending master, and her loveable giant, who is in fact, also an earthbender?"

Katara chuckled as she came up next to me in the water. I say in the water, only the water moved right out of the way for her.

'Oh, you want to walk here? Why don't I move aside for you?' 'Oh, would you? Thank you!'

"Mogui, you're making faces," Jin commented, tugging my sleeve. "Also, Katara said single file, please pay attention."

As we descended into the water, Katara moved the water out of the way and formed a neat little air bubble around us. But the back was at risk of collapsing on us, so Katara glanced over at the bald airbender.

"Aang, I need help," she smiled at him. 

He grinned back and handed Toph his staff before jumping to the back of the line and joining her as they bent the water up and away. They even made sure the water was high enough not to bother the six foot two guy in the middle.

Our charges, the family we were escorting, stared with open-mouthed amazement as we travelled under the lake's surface. It really was a cool experience, seeing the fish swimming past and how the sun made interesting patterns through the water. Momo was particularly interested in the fish, jumping off Toph's shoulder and plunging through the water-wall to chase them. I was observing a particularly colourful fish, which I'm pretty sure was pulling faces at me, when Momo splashed back through, and landed on Toph's shoulder, dripping wet and hissing.

"Woah, what was that?" Jin asked as a large black shape passed over the bubble, blocking out the sunlight and giving the impression of something long and scaly.

"What was that thing?" Katara added, not even two seconds after Jin.

"Ah, that would be the "impending" part of our doom, right Jin?" I joked. 

Jin threw me a mildly unimpressed look, but it was mostly just resigned like she was used to it. That's no good-ow!

"Not the time, dude," Muteki growled, having clipped me on the back of the head. He took a defensive stance, putting the civilian family directly behind him, with Jin, Toph and I standing in a semi-circle around them, Aang right at the back, and Katara right at the front, with Suki and Sokka.

As we waited with bated breath for something - anything really - to happen, something huge, scaly and colourful, crashed through our little bubble of not so safe safety. It broke Katara's concentration, and the water immediately rushed to drown us, but Toph and Muteki quickly had us all standing in a little island of earth, above the water, before it was more than hip deep. Well, Toph's hip-deep, so like my knees or something.

Toph handed Aang's staff back as we all watched a long, spiny dorsal fin circling our little island of relative safety. We watched it with trepidation until the head of a colossal monster exploded from beneath the water. It was pretty much a seahorse headed sea serpent. A roar seemed to shake the little island as the monster reared back its long neck, preparing to strike.

"I think I just figured out why they call it the Serpent's Pass," Sokka pointed up at the monster shakily.

"Sure, tell me off, but the group comedian can make all the quips he wants!" I complained at Muteki.

The monster's gaping maw issued another shriek.

"Excuse me; we are in the middle of a domestic here!" I snapped up at it. "So shut up and clear out!"

"Now is not the time," Muteki snapped back at me.

"Now is as good a time as any!" I roared back.


"No, you know what else?" I opened my mouth to say something more when Jin shoved me aside.

"Take your old lady act and move," Jin snapped as she darted past me. "If you insist on standing around arguing, you're putting this woman and her unborn child at risk. I won't stand for that!"

"What she said," Muteki growled in agreement, grabbing me by the collar and lifting me.

I slammed my forehead into his face, which in hindsight, was a bad idea. He responded by slugging me in the face. I could taste blood...

The next thing I knew, I was skidding along on ice when Muteki threw me.  

Accidental Avatar 2-RocknRollWhere stories live. Discover now