So, What's Zaya up to?

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So we spent the ride listening to Iroh make various noises of 'pain' as he tried to convince Zuko to pull over. I decided to take things into my own, itty, bitty, teenie, weenie, little hands.


"No, you're just bored," he answered, sounding bored too.

"Yeah, you're right," I answered, leaning on him. 

Iroh continued making noises, but I think I heard a kissy noise, so I threw the old man a look. He just pretended he didn't do it. Rude.

But, it seems even the ever-patient Zuko had his limit. He gave a heavy sigh before glancing over my head at Iroh. 

"Maybe we should make camp."

"No, please!" Iroh was really laying it on thick. "Don't stop just for me!"

So Zuko didn't. But Iroh decided to kick it up a notch. Which REALLY pissed him off. So he yanked the rope, and Mangy stopped.

"YES!" I cheered, sliding off the side of the bird and landing on my bad foot. "NO!"

So I'm sitting in the dirt, glaring at my ankle, right? Iroh was sitting over on a little rock, Zuko was digging through the bags, and Mangy...well, he was amazing. He sensed something off and made a funny noise.

"What now?" Iroh asked tiredly.

"What indeed?" I responded, rubbing my ankle then getting to my feet. 

I put a little pressure on it and nodded to myself when it took the weight. It probably didn't because I'd been sitting the whole time. Oh, look, when did we get surrounded?

"Colonel Monkey!" Iroh said cheerfully. 

He probably said something different, but it sounded like Monkey, so now that is what he is.

"What a pleasant surprise."

"If you're surprised we are here, then the Dragon of the West has lost a few steps," Featherhead, Mr Monkey told Iroh menacingly. 

Then he did something cool with his arm things.

"Oh, do that again. That was cool!" I commented from my spot behind Zuko.

"Amaya, be quiet," Zuko whispered to me.

I stuck my tongue out at him but decided maybe I should listen for once. Everyone decided to do their own intimidating whatever, and Zuko asked the question we all want to know...

"You know these guys?"

Well, I was going to say, where can I get feathers like that, but sure, let's go with that one.

"Sure, Colonel Monkey and the Rough Rhinos are legendary," Iroh explained while rubbing his shoulder. "Each one is a different kind of weapons specialist. They are also a very capable singing group," Iroh nudged me as he said the last part.

"I'm not singing us out of this!" I retorted.

"We're not here to give a concert!" Feathers snapped.

"Woah, calm your tits, Feathers!" I muttered. 

You know what? I think I will sing. I have the perfect song too. It is called go f- oh bird. It was a very pretty bird too. I want to touch it. Oops, how did I get on Mangy?

"Oh, hello, Zuko," I commented, seeing that I was sitting facing him. "How the heck did I get here?"

"I put you there, now sit still. We gotta get out of here."

"Yes, I see we are running," I commented. "Or Mangy is, but I still don't understand how I got here..."

"...You were chasing a bird, and no one could hit you..."



"Well, yay for being so unpredictable that I didn't die. Now, help me turn around. This is really awkward."

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