A little bit of Amaya on the side~

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A/N: Hello my lovelies~! So this is actually for realsies Amaya talking and not Sasha pretending to be me. Sasha won't be doing much uploading for some time as he will be extraordinarily busy (emphasising the extra), so I will be updating and writing all on my lonesome. This means now y'all are at the mercy of my whims. However, I enjoy reading comments, which get me motivated to write more, which means more updates, so comment away~ Also, enjoy because that's important too...

I had no idea what I was doing... And I don't think Zuko did either.

"Why are you up there?" he asked.

"Cause I'm Batman!" I growled. "And it's shady. I don't always like standing out in the sun."

"But... why?"

"I...don't remember."

Zuko made several frustrated noises, to which Mangy cawed back.

"Mangy! Mind your manners, you silly bird-horse!" I called from the tree. "Um...."

"What?" Zuko called up to me.

"I'm stuck. There is no conceivable way down," I wasn't lying. 

I didn't even know how I got to where I was.

"Climb down the same way you got up," Zuko retorted.

"I don't know how I got here!"

"What?" Zuko looked suitably shocked.

"Look, I don't know how I manage half the things I do-WAHHH!" So I slipped. 

Yeah, I tried to shift my weight and BAM, my foot slipped. Goodbye, cruel world!


"Nice catch!" I commented.

"Are you insane?" he demanded.

"Would you get angry if I said yes?"

He shook his head at me, clearly beyond tired of me scaring him.

"Um...you can put me down now," I said, poking his cheek. 

He turned pink, realising I was still in his arms. Of course, as soon as he put me down, I realised I'd done something typical of me. 



"Sprained my ankle and grazed my knees and hands. I'm a bloody mess. Can you carry me over there?"


"I'm a cripple! Help me out!"

Zuko snorted and scooped me up again, carrying me over to a nearby stream. He set me down gently next to it and sat opposite me while I got to healing my various cuts and bruises before moving onto the sprain.

"I expected you to be a little more vocal about spraining your ankle," Zuko commented.

"Oh, I'm used to it," I answered. "This will be, what? The fourth time I've sprained this ankle?"


"What can I say? I'm a clutz," I answered with a slight grin. "And as I was saying earlier, I don't know how I do half the things I do."

"I only have this scar," he said darkly, touching his face.

"I have lots of scars," I babbled. "There's one on my nose, one on the back of my head, one on my hand, another on my foot."

"That's...a lot of scars," Zuko commented. "They don't bother you?"

I shrugged, testing out the range of motion on my ankle. "I don't really care where I get my scars, so long as they're visible, you know?"

"I don't really see your scars, though."

"Well, duh," I answered. "My hair covers the one on my head. How often have you seen my feet and hands, and also, you'd have to get pretty close to see the one on my nose."

Zuko glanced at my nose, and I immediately became self-conscious.

"Oi! My eyes are a little higher, buddy!"

He grinned so suddenly I was momentarily caught off guard. Wasn't expecting that. Cute smile. FOCUS! ANKLE! OUCHIE! Yes, focusing.

"How's the foot? Think we can keep going?" He asked, an odd twinkle in his eyes.

"Well, I'm not dying," I answered, getting up a little too quickly and tripping over my feet.

"Timber!" I yelled as I began to fall over.

A pair of strong hands caught me, though.

"So, a waterbender who can't swim and can't walk without tripping..." Zuko started.

"I sound like the start of a bad joke, don't I?" I laughed as I righted myself.

"I'm not answering that," he joked back.

"Did you... did you make a joke?" I asked in mock horror. "Are you well?"

"No, I'm sick," he deadpanned.

"Sick of me?"

"Surprisingly, no," he answered.

I clutched my heart in an overly dramatic manner. 

"Two jokes, a smile, AND a sort of compliment! I think you must be dying!"

Zuko smiled again, shaking his head at me. "Let's go find Uncle before you fall out of another tree."

"Hmm, yes, that would be disastrous," I commented, skip-limping over to walk beside him. "Also, we should watch the skies. I think we're in for rain."

"Feel it in your belly?"

"Oh, call back! Nice."

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