Stupid is as Stupid does...

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Muteki was hanging back with Miss Bandit, Twinkle toes was F...-lying off, Katara and Jin were walking side by side silently, and I was trudging along with Sokka and Momo.

"Oi Mog, what are you doing?" Muteki asked from behind me.

"Uh, trudging?" I answered, slightly unsure. "To trudge: the slow, weary, depressing yet determined walk of a man who has nothing left in life except the impulse to simply soldier on."

"Oh," he shrugged. "Your 'trudging' seems to be favouring your right leg. That old ankle still giving you problems?"

"I have no idea, but it clicks a lot."

"Yeah, you broke it about two years ago, trying to do a flip. It was a pretty decent flip too."

"You're a surprising character, Mogui," Sokka commented.

"I'm not a character! You're a character!"

"And a bucket of crazy," Toph sighed. "Speaking of, is there any more water?"

"I thought we drunk the last of it a couple of miles back."

"Miles, Mog? Really?" Muteki had an eyebrow raised.

"What? You rather I used a 'Farsee'?" I asked back.

"What the fudgeknuckle is that?" Mut questioned

"As far as you can see, a 'Farsee.'"

"Dude, that's a league."

"It's Utahian!"

"You've never been there."

"But I know people who have."

"Shut up!" Jin growled. "Save your energy for walking."

Sokka stopped and opened Momo's wings over his head. Then Toph walked into him.

"Can't you watch where you're-" Sokka stopped himself, and I mentally facepalmed.

I saw Mut's fists ball.

"No, I cant."

"Right, sorry," he shut up.

"Keep up, guys!" Katara warned. "We gotta stick together."

"If I sweat anymore, I don't think sticking will be an issue," Sokka sarcasmed again.

"Katara, can I have some more water?" Toph asked

"Okay, but we've got to try to conserve it," Katara replied.

Katara bent a few small blobs of water out of her pouch and into our mouths. Sokka circulated the water in his mouth before swallowing it.

"We're drinking your bending water," he tried to define the taste of the water, smacking his lips.

Disgustedly he exclaimed, "You used this on the swamp guy! Urch!"

"It does taste swampy," Toph commented.

"It's all we've got," Katara said dejectedly. 

I wanted to go and put an arm around her, let her cry it out, but that wouldn't have done any good except dehydrate her more.

"Not anymore!" Sokka exclaimed, pointing at a prickly pear. "Look!"

"Dude, don't drink that!" Jin called, sounding disgusted.

"Don't pick the prickly pear with the paw when you pick the pear trying to use the claw," I commented.

"But you don't need to use the claw when you pick the pear of the big pawpaw," Muteki added. "Have I given you a clue?"

Jin shrugged. 

"The bare necessities of life will come to you," she finished as Sokka hacked off the top of the plant.

"You didn't just drink that, did you?" I asked Sokka.

He nodded slowly as I grabbed the cactus top from his hand and sniffed it.

"That's not good!" I gasped, dropping the cactus. "That's nitroglycerin. Very explosive!"

Sokka gasped and grabbed his throat, trying not to swallow

"Don't move, eh, don't breathe, don't do anything. Except for pray, maybe..."

Muteki jumped up behind Sokka with a huge, "BOOM!!"

Sokka choked, and Muteki and I laughed. Then Sokka went back to drinking the cactus dry.

"Suit yourself," Sokka shrugged. "It's very thirst-quenching, though."

After a long deep drink of the Juices, he began to act weirdly, as if he had no bones at all—a big rubber Sokka. And then there was a yank on my collar.

"No," Jin said firmly. "You will not be drinking that."

"But!" I started as Sokka tried to encourage Katara to drink it while sounding absolutely high.

"No," Muteki added firmly.

Momo did a series of very tight loops before crashing into the ground between all of us. Katara picked up the messed up lemur, and I still really wanted to try some even though Katara and Jin and Muteki were all being grown-ups about it and wouldn't let me.

"Can I get some of that cactus?" Toph asked, sounding very interested.

"No," Muteki said firmly, taking her hand and guiding her behind Katara.

"Come on, we need to find Aang," Katara said.

"Alright, everyone all together," Jin called. 

She gave an annoyed sigh and grabbed Sokka's arm, dragging him along behind the rest of us.

"How did we get out here in the middle of the ocean?" Sokka questioned loudly.

"We swam," Jin answered sarcastically.

We had been walking for, maybe half an hour? Who knows. I don't think I need cactus juice to go crazy. The heat is already getting to me. I just heard an explosion. And there's a giant dust cloud. Oh, wait, a breeze. Refreshing. Sand? Less refreshing.

"What is that?" Katara questioned.

"I vote Aang," Muteki commented.

"What is what?" Toph demanded, moving her head back and forth.

"Aang," Jin added.

"It's a giant mushroom!" Sokka said in a dopey voice.

"I'm voting giant mushroom," I said dryly.

"Maybe it's friendly!" Sokka yelled.

"Let's just keep moving," Katara said.

"Good plan," Jin said tiredly.

"Friendly mushroom!" Sokka said, waving at the giant mushroom cloud. 

Jin made an irritated noise as she grabbed Sokka's shirt and dragged him along. "Mushy giant friend~!"

"I swear!" Jin muttered before throwing a look at Muteki and me. "You know, if Amaya had drunk that, we'd probably have an apocalypse right now."

"No, we-yeah, you know what, I can't even finish that defence for her," Muteki said, shaking his head, a hand on Toph's shoulder to keep her from falling or going in the wrong direction.

"I don't know. I think we should save some and give it to her," I added. "I'm curious."

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