Plans were made and changed...

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A/N: I apologise again for the slow updates, but between uni and work, there is typically very little time for me to sit down and write new chapters, and I barely get the chance to send SashaL information for him to write one, so, yeah. But! Here's a chapter! Good news, right? Bad news, I might be late with the next one. But there's an Amaya chapter on the horizon! Do the thing, especially the comment thing. I like reading comments :)

We'd made it a pretty good distance when Aang suddenly landed before us.

"Aang?" Mogui frowned as the airbender landed.

"Weren't you looking for Appa?" Katara questioned.

"I was, but something stopped me," Aang responded. "Something big."

Muteki and I exchanged looks while Mogui cocked his head in a confused fashion.

"Like, a really big earth bender? Or the wall?" he asked as we all set off together.

We reached the bottom of the wall relatively quickly, without pushing Ying too hard. Toph, Muteki and Aang earthbent a platform and then pushed it up the side of the wall as we ascended.

While the other two earthbenders continued to push the platform, Aang pointed out the object of concern.

A giant metal battering ram. Kidding, it was a drill. Flanked by tanks and soldiers. Brilliant. We all stepped off the platform onto the wall.

"We made it to Ba Sing Se, but we're still not safe," Ying cried despairingly. "No one is."

"Chin up," I said, patting her shoulder gently. "You're safer here than anywhere else. Everything will be fine, I promise."

I sincerely hoped I was right.

"What are you people doing here?" we turned to see a guard in earthbender colours. "Civilians aren't allowed on the wall!"

Aang stepped forward, a serious expression on his young face. Some people could look serious with a babyface. Unfortunately, Amaya was not one of those people.

"I'm the Avatar. Take me to whoever is in charge."

We were brought to a tower-like structure on the outer wall, supported by arches and saw the general patiently waiting behind his desk. Tahn and his family were guided into the main part of the city. The general smiled as we approached.

"I welcome you to the outer wall, young Avatar, but your help is not needed," he said.

"Not needed?" Aang questioned as the rest of us frowned at the declaration.

"Not needed," the general responded smugly. "I have the situation under control. I assure you the Fire Nation cannot penetrate this wall."

"Still not a good enough reason to use the word "penetrate"," I commented.

Muteki snorted while Mogui gagged slightly. The others gave me a confused look. Oh, innocent children.

The general seemed to have missed my comment and continued his boasting. "Many have tried to break through it, but none have succeeded."

He rose as he spoke and guided us along the wall toward an area where the soldiers stood near stacks of boulders. On one side of the wall, the outside, there was nothing but a barren wasteland. On the inner side of the wall was a patchwork of fertile fields.

"What about the Dragon of the West?" Toph asked. "He got in."

"What, that crazy old uncle of Zuko's?" Mogui questioned.

"He's actually a brilliant firebender and general," I answered. "Or so I've heard."

The general cleared his throat nervously. "Ahem, technically yes. But he was quickly expunged."

"But he still got through," Mogui pointed out.

The general sniffed at him. "The city is called Ba Sing Se. It means the impenetrable city. Not Na Sing Se."

When no one reacted, he coughed awkwardly. "That means penetrable city."

"Again, that is not a good reason to use that word," I commented.

"Yeah, thanks for the tour, but we still have the drill problem," Toph said, hands on her hips.

The general paced back to stare over the wastes. "Not for long. To stop it, I've sent an elite platoon of earthbenders called the Terra Team."

"Catchy," Sokka said appreciatively. "It's a good group name."

We watched a group of earthbenders making their way towards the drill and attempt to tear it down. Only... It appeared there was some resistance.

The general was watching through a telescope, and when the last of those "elite" earthbenders fell, he panicked.

"We're doomed!" he screamed, arms flailing.

Sokka slapped the general across the face, leaving a bright red handprint on his cheek. "Get a hold of yourself, man!"

The general rubbed his cheek sheepishly. "You're right. I'm sorry."

"So, maybe the Avatar's help isn't all that unnecessary," I said, tipping my head towards the short monk.

The general meekly approached Aang. "Yes, please..."

We stood staring down the drill as if that would make it stop.

"The question is, how do we stop that thing?" Aang asked.

"Why are you all looking at me?" Sokka questioned.

"You're the idea guy," Mogui said as Aang nodded in agreement.

"So I'm the only one who can ever come up with plans?" Sokka complained. "That's a lot of pressure!"

"And also the complaining guy," Katara added.

"That part I don't mind," Sokka responded.

"Wait, what does that make me!?" Mogui complained.

"The other complaining guy," Muteki answered.

"We're okay with that," Mogui and Sokka said in unison.

I rolled my eyes at them. "Not to be a stick in the mud, but we do have a drill to be worried about."

The others all nodded and refocused their attention on the oncoming drill.  

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