Mogui Steps in Doodoo...Typical

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A/N: So Sasha wrote a little something for you guys while I focus on other equally pressing matters. Enjoy it ~ :)

"Muteki, you... have a pretty face," I stated.

"What?!?" The giant asked.

"I mean, your cheekbones are just in the right place, framing those pretty eyes of yours... Your hair, perfectly trimmed... and don't even get me started on your nose..."

"Are you alright, dude?" He asked.

"Probably not," Jin sighed. "The sun does stuff to you..."

"If I were a girl, I'd be all over you," I sighed dramatically, resting my head on my hands. "Jin, I don't know how you restrain yourself."

"I do my best," she answered with a roll of her eyes and a dramatic eye-roll.

"Um... Thanks?" Muteki said.

"Ya know," Jin cocked her head. "I'm not actually all that into big walls of muscle. I mean, aesthetic appeal is there, I like the way they look, but then there's all the competition for their affection."

"We're in a desert!" I pointed out. "How much competition can there be out here?"

"There are still other females around," Jin pointed at the others.

"The blind one who can't appreciate those cheekbones properly? Or the one who kissed me a few days ago?" I questioned.

"You leave Toph out of this! Some blind people 'see' with their hands," Muteki almost shouted. "She's much too young to be thinking about that stuff anyway."

"Never too young for love," I sighed dreamily.

"Affection based on looks is not love anyway," Jin stated. "It's lust. Nothing lasting about it. Not worth my time."

"Physical attraction plays a big part, but it's not the whole thing," Muteki shrugged.

"But there's a long list of people wanting to have your babies..."

"I can't believe you guys!" Jin sighed, exasperated, turning away.

Muteki followed suit.

"And you give good hugs..." I commented.

I held my nose for the next few miles to stop the blood from coming out as Jin cradled her injured hand.  

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